Chapter Fourteen: Goodbye

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A/N: Okay sorry for not updating earlier! Thanks for voting and commenting! Sadly this book is coming to end. The next chapter will probably be the last chapter or the epilogue. :(

A little sadness in this chapter. Enjoy my rainbow narwhals!

This is Adam's casket.

Song is 'Free Bird' by Lynyrd Skynyrd


A few day later


I slowly woke up to a dull ring of my alarm clock. I hit the off button and softly groaned. There was a small weight on my chest, Niall snuggled into my chest and grabbed my shirt. I softly smiled and wrapped my arms around him. I let him sleep with Liam and I, in my bedroom. Liam has been staying over, he shouldn't be alone, besides he's my boyfriend and I love him.

I love Liam.

I smile at the thought and look over to see the other side of the bed, to see it empty. Liam must have gotten up, he's had a rough time sleeping. Today's the day of Adam's funeral and burial. I hope Liam will be okay, both Niall and I will be there for him. I stretched and Niall sleepily looked up at me," Daddy?"

"Yeah sweets it's me, lets get up and we can make some breakfast." I whispered. His head shot up and he jumped up, squealing and jumping on my bed. I stood up laughing softly.

"FOOD DADDY!" He yelled, raising his arms up. I laughed and picked him up, carrying him into the kitchen. Liam sat at our small kitchen table, reading the newspaper from this week. I honestly don't know how he can read it though, because once I was done reading it on Wednesday, Niall thought it was okay to color all over the paper, while I went to the bathroom.

"Hey Liam." I said setting Niall on the ground. He looked up and softly smiled at me. Niall jumped up onto Liam's lap and giggled. Liam put down the paper and smiled softly at Niall.

"Food!" Niall demanded to Liam.

"Of course." He chuckled softly.


A few hours later

We were gathered in the small local church for Adam's funeral ceremony. The sky was clouded with light rain falling softly. Liam grabbed my hand and we walked in together, with me holding Niall.

The mood was solemn and still. We walked up the the front pew and sat down, taking in the area. There was Adam's casket with light pink and red roses on the top of it, the color of a beautiful mahogany. A picture of Adam smiling brightly, eyes crinkling with joy and happiness beside it. Bunches of other beautiful flowers all around the front of the church. In all honesty, it kinda makes me think that Adam would want to be here. Even if I didn't know him too well, I think he would enjoy the how beautiful everything looks.

Liam looked at me and I noticed that he wasn't wearing all black with his suit and that he was carrying a small white envelope. He wore a light blue tie with small black sewn calligraphy in it. His eyes were a bit red and his beautiful chocolate eyes were down cast.

I put my hand on his arm. He looked at me and a small tear fell down his face. Harry and Zayn came in and sat in the pew behind us. It was about time for the ceremony to start. The pastor came in and started in prayer.

The ceremony than started with an officiating, the remembrance of Adam, and a few sayings.

Liam went up to the front podium and looked out at the back of the church, he swallowed," Adam Jonathan Payne was born on March 9th, 2000, and he died on November 21, 2014. He was only 14 when he passed, from a terminal lung cancer. He was my baby brother." Liam looked up from his already written papers.

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