Scary Movie🎃

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"Boys are you sure you want to stay?" Seokjin asked the maknae's for the nth time.

Taehyung and Jungkook's focus never left the screen of their game. "Yes." Jimin simply answered as he looked on to see who would die so he could have his turn. Jin sighed and walked over to the others.

"Do you guys really think this is a good idea?" Jin chewed at his lip nervously. The hyung's had wanted to go shop at the mall, but the maknae's wanted to stay and play their video games. Seokjin didn't want to leave them alone. Yes they were big as of recently, but they could slip into little space and if one of them slipped the other two would follow suit.

"Hyung they will be fine." Yoongi assured Jin and the rest of them. They were all a little nervous as well but they also trusted the boys to not slip. "They have been left alone before and nothing went wrong, remember before we knew they took care of each other." Yoongi looked over at the three. "Now come on let's go." Yoongi grabbed his wallet and phone.

Jin sighed. "You're right, lets go." Seokjin nodded.

"Jimin, Jungkook, Taehyung behave!" Namjoon shouted at them. "We'll be back later and if you need anything call us." He added and slipped out the door, closing it behind him. The maknae's tuned them out and focused on their game. After Jungkook and Jimin finished their game, they finally noticed their hyung's were gone.

"Huh they left already?" Jungkook asked.

"When? I didn't notice?" Jimin looked at them puzzled. Taehyung shrugged and turned off their game device.

"Why don't we watch a movie?" Taehyung asked. "I'm already bored." The boy sighed.

Jimin nodded. "I'll go make the popcorn and snacks, you guys pick the movie!" The dancer grinning like a little kid and ran into the kitchen to get the movie snacks.

"What do you want to watch?" Jungkook asked Taehyung. The singer shrugged.

"Let's just look through the movies." Taehyung said taking the remote-control and flipping through the movies on Netflix. They couldn't find anything until they came up on the horror category. The two looked at each other and smirked. They settled on watching the strangers (I know it's not the scariest but it kinda fits since ya know they are alone, anyway ignore me.)

The two boys wait for Jimin to come in. The mentioned walked in with two bowels of chips and popcorn with some sodas, and candy bars. Jimin places them down and sat next to Jungkook.

"So what are we watching?" Jimin asked and then looked up at the tv.

"The strangers." Jungkook and Taehyung responded. Jimin bit his lip nervously.

"Um g-guys are you sure?" Jimin asked. He hated scary movies. He always seemed to slip when he was scared and the movie wasn't gonna help his situation. "I-I don't t-think this is a good idea, let's just watch something else."

"Stop being a wuss, it's just a movie Minnie, come on." Taehyung rolled his eyes and grabbed the chips as Jungkook looked at Jimin.

"Listen if you want to leave, go to your room or something that's fine."Jungkook told him.

Jimin bit his lip and sighed. "Fine." The other too smiled and Jungkook pressed play, reaching for some candy to enjoy. Jimin let out a scared breath this was not going to turn out well.

Everything was fine at first. The movie didn't seem so bad anymore. The family in the trailer fighting and then the knock. Jimin flinched a little but it didn't bother him. That was when the siblings entered an open trailer and discovered the messed up bodies from the elder couple. Jimin screamed and jumped behind Taehyung, hiding his face as tears began. Jungkook let out a breath but shook his head and patted Jimin's back.

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