Nicknames (1) ❤️

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It had been a few months and now the littles were very comfortable around their caretakers. The littles sleep with their caretakes and now had a play room.

The group had come home pretty late from recording and the maknae's woke up little. Taehyung and Jungkook were coloring in the living room while Jimin took a nap in the play room.

"Kookie look." Taehyung smiles showing Jungkook his drawing. It was a drawing of him and Namjoon and SeokJin. Tae was in the middle holding their hands. Jungkook smiles and clapped his hands.

" S' cute." He grinned behind his pacifier. Taehyung giggles and got up running into the kitchen.

"Mama, daddy!" Taehyung squealed before he could think. Namjoon and Jin stopped in their tracks as well as Taehyung. The littles eyes widen and ran away, dropping his drawing.

"Taehyung!" Jin calles after him. He looked at Namjoon. The rapper picked up the drawing, smiling at it before running after their baby.

Taehyung hid himself under the cover of his bed in his room. He cried into his pillow, tears staining the white materiel.

"Taetae?" Kookie said walking over to his friend. "What's wrong?" The little slurred. He was sad that his best friend was crying. Jungkook hates when his best friends cried, Taehyung was mostly always the oldest but Jungkook did his best to take care of his hyungs, in little or big space.

"I-I called them Mama and daddy." Taehyung cried. Jungkook was about to say something before Seokjin and Namjoon walked in.

"Kookie go to Hoseok." Jin spoke. Kookie nodded and kissed Taehyung's head and left the room, shutting the door behind him.

"Tae.." Namjoon slowly made their way over to their baby sitting on each side of him. Taehyung grabbed the covers from the bed that was over him tighter. He was embarrassed and scared. What if they thought he was weird!? What if they stopped caring for him? These thoughts only caused him to sob harder.

"Oh baby don't cry. Jin rubbed his covered back. Namjoon sighed sadly and pulled the cover off him, pulling Taehyung into his lap.

"Baby boy why are crying?" Namjoon asked. Taehyung looked away and shook his head. Jin scooted closer to the pair and lifted Tae's chin.

"Is it about calling us mommy and daddy?" Seokjin asked. Taehyung bit his lip and blushed.

"Tae that's okay." Namjoon spoke, Taehyung looked up blinking a few times.

"If you want to call us that you can sweetheart, you're our baby after all." Jin smiles sweetly at him.

"Y-you want to be m-my mommy and daddy?" Taehyung asked, a small smile forming.

"We would be honored." The caretakers smiled. Taehyung squealed and leaned forward pecking Namjoon's lips and doing the same to Seokjin.

The two blinked at the younger boy surprised by his actions but the little was already out of the room running around the dorm yelling. "I GOT A MOMMY AND A DADDY!"

A grin formed on the boys faces happy to be Taehyung's mommy and daddy.

Hi guys! Here's another chapter to this book I hope you like it, there's going to be two more parts.
Jimin's and Jungkook's and how they gave nicknames to their caregivers.
They are a little short but I wanted to get a little back story.

Anyway thank you all for waiting and reading <3 go check out my other books if you haven't
Also leave some request or ideas of what you want to happen in future chapters.

Sending love ❤️

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