When he's sick

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When it comes to him getting sick you're always there. You make him soup and make sure he takes his medicine. Even if you get sick from him you wouldn't mind because you're just trying to make your boyfriend feel better. The only thing you don't like is when he sneezes and he doesn't bother to cover his mouth.


That fucker doesn't care if he gets sick. That doesn't stop him from doing reckless stuff but since you're his girlfriend you're always convincing him to stay home because you don't want him to get sick more. Surprisingly, he listens because he loves the fact you stay in bed with him and watch over him incase his sickness gets worse.


You never leave his side. You can't stand seeing him sick it bothers you because he's not himself. Getting a fever is one of his worst enemies , it will last about 2 days. Pretty much he can't stand it and he's lucky that he has you because when you're there it's like everything heals faster than when you're not there with him.


He will literally get you sick on purpose so he wouldn't be alone. The reason why he does that because he thinks it's unfair that you get to move around and do anything meanwhile he's stuck in bed suffering. Other than that , he appreciates it when you don't leave anywhere and keep him company when he's not feeling too good.

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