26)Pancakes &Tests part 1.

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Star POV
I got dressed in mid thigh green sparkle dress with six inch heels that match.  I made sure I lotion my legs with some cocoa butter lotion and sprayed on some of Dwayne's axe body spray.  Cause his smell better than my perfume that I got from Claire's plus my sister use mines all up. I spray my hair with hair spray and make my way down stairs. When I reach the living room I saw Dwayne glaring at Alex who was too busy on her phone to notice the look he was giving her.   I notice that Alex was dressed in a pencil skirt, red high heels and a red crop top while Dwayne was wearing a white tank top,  black ripped jeans and black boots. For a homeless person she show don't look like it.  I was mostly expecting a old shirt and maybe big pants but I guess you can't judge a book by its cover.  When she finally look from  her phone her eyes found mines and she quickly pasted a fake smile on her face.
"There you are though I had to put up with Dracula for long. " Getting up she made her way towards me with open arms expecting a hug that she wasn't gonna get from me.
Moving slightly out of her reach I say
"Yeah but from the looks of it you don't look to homeless to me tho" I sniff the air and notice to things one she smell like soap and lavender which tells me she lied about the whole 'I'm homeless thing' and two she didn't come here by herself cause I could feel another present somewhere around here that I know for a fact is not apart of this pack.
"Look,  star.  Your right I'm technically ain't homeless well I am but I found someone whose letting me stay at they're place. " Alex said.
"You call me at four some in the morning had me thinking you was on the streets or some.  Which is the opposite since you have a root over your head this whole time" I said getting a little mad.  I mean I had to convince Dwayne to get her stay with us when all along she already had somewhere to stay.
"I know and before you get mad let me just say how sorry I am that I really trick you to stay but you don't understand..... " She paused then walk closer to me causing Dwayne to growl low.
"I had to. " She whispered in my ear like she don't want nobody to hear.
"Anyway,  can I please stay for awhile then I'll leave.  Please" She begged.
"I don't thin-"
"PLEASE STARLEY" she call me my old nickname she gave me when she was six.  That hit home to cause it been awhile since I heard that nickname.  I sigh out loud knowing damn well she got me which you can tell she know by that smirk on her face.
"Fine you can stay but only for a week. " I said giving in.
"Baby,  are you sure u want her to stay here? " Dwayne ask confused.
"She's only gonna be here for a week then she can leave. " I stated.
"I don't know about this,Star. " He said still looking at her I'm guessing trying to figure her out.
"I know but she's my sister.  She's family and one thing my dad taught me before he died was to never turn your back on family cause they will always be there for you no matter what. " I said looking Alex in the eyes.  I don't know if my eyes was playing tricks on me but I could have swore I seen her gulp. Might have been my imagination tho.
"See. Plus that's all I need is a week.  Who know we might even build up our sister relationship again" She said.
"I'm gonna go called James um I'll see you later Star. " He walked away giving me one last look before leaving the room and heading towards his office.
"Yay!  Now we can reconnect again" She said excitedly.
"Um... Can who else came with u? " I ask.
"W-w-what? "  Clearing her throat she said while trying to play it cool
"What your talking about? " She place a fake confused face on but I could see through it.
"I felt another person or some around here besides you and Dwayne. " I told her honestly.
"I came alone star.  Unless you talking bout someone from your pack" She said sounding offended.
"You sure nobody didn't follow u here? " I ask.
"I told you that I was coming this morning. If I was gonna bring someone else I would have mention it to you. " She said upset.  I decided to shrug it off maybe I'm being paranoid.
By now we had decided to sit down on the couches and sofas facing each other.
"Your right.  I might be just being paranoid or some. " I stated laughing a little at myself for being stupid.
"Yeah. You always was paranoid. " She laugh.
"I was not. "
I laugh too.
"Says the girl who made Dad come in her room every night to make sure nobody was in her closet. "
She said while laughing at the end.
"It wasn't my fault that the closet door wouldn't shut so it looked like something was hiding in it" I said defending myself.  It fell quiet until we both bust out laughing.
"At least I wasn't going around telling people that I was drown by my brother"  I said.
"Hey!  I though we swear to keep that I secret" She said faking hurt.
"We did until you brought that up" I laugh so hard tearing was coming from my eyes.
"Plus how was I suppose to know that James was trying to teach me how to hold my breath under water when he literally force my head down in the pool" She said.
"Cause everybody was doing it and he told ur crazy ass" I said turning my laugh into small giggles.
"Whatever" She roll her eyes playful.
"Bet he want do that no more tho" I said remembering that after she came back up from the water she told dad and let's just say James got the best ass whooping of his life.
"Hell nah" We both giggle some then we fell in a comfortable silence.
"I missed this"
She said with a small smile on her face.
"Yeah me to"
I said sighing out loud. 
"Hey,  star.  I'm really sorry for taking you mate and pack.  Also your life and-" I cut her off with a small chuckle.
"It's cool Alex.  Cause now I'm a queen of wolves now.  Which mean everybody got to bow to me now" I said with a little proudness in my voice.
"Yeah you are.  Who would have though a little girl from a broken family would be ruling over wolves" Alex said.
"I know right.  If only dad could see me now" I gave a sad smile thinking about my father bring back so many memories.  I could just feel the pain in my heart and the tears forming in the corner of my eyes.  A felt a soft hand being place on my light skin hand.
"Hey. You might not know this but I miss him to but no matter what I know he's watching over us" She gave my hand a squeeze.  I sigh out loud trying to shake the whole sadness away from me.
Letting out a humorless chuckled and say
"I know how to make you feel better? " She said all excited all of a sudden.
"Yeah how? "
I ask.
"I'll make you some hot chocolate and rice crispy treats.  That always cheer you up" She said.  I let out a real laugh this time cause it was some our mom taught me how to make claiming that if I gotta stay here I gotta provide for her and her daughter.  She stop seen me and James as her kids and saw us as mistakes that will serve her and her new family.  I even taught Alex how to make it since she love them so much and I knew I wouldn't be around her for long.
"Can't I just lie here in my own self pity until I die or some?" I ask.
"Nope we gonna connect and bond and maybe talk about boys" She said sounding like her old self.  She help me up and together we both went to the kitchen.  I sat at the table while I watch her get the ingredients for the rice crispy treats which was basically butter,  marshmallows and rice crispy cereals.
"Remember you taught me how to make this saying that if I can't learn it then we ain't related or some" She said making me laugh.
"Yeah I remember.  I watch as she took out a small pot and start putting chop up butter it while when the stove was hot enough.
" Which one goes in first the marshmallow or the cereal? " She ask confused.
"Marshmallow first then cereal but remember to add the cereal fast enough while its melting. " I told her.  When the butter was melting she added the marshmallow and when that was melting she later on put in the cereal.
"Shit. I think I added to much" She said.  I laugh at her and got up to help.  We both found a silver spoon and start stiring up the yummy goodness.  Once it was mix well we took the pot off the stove and poured it on a bowl.
"Now we wait till that cool off.  I'mma go and make the hot chocolate" I walk to the pantry and took out the hot chocolate and sugar.
"Hey,  Alex can you boil the water for me? " I ask.  But got no respond.
"Alex? " I turned around only to found out that she wasn't in here with me no more.  I shrug my shoulder and decided to just pour the hot chocolate and water in the cup and simply just warm it up in the microwave.  Lazy I know but the pan needed to be wash after our marshmallow creation was made.  After I fix two cups of hot chocolate I added some sugar and stir it up.  Placing both cups on the table along with two small plates of rice crispy treats I tried calling out to Alex again.
"ALEX! " Still no respond not even a moment or anything.  I was gonna look for her but then some tell me that I shouldn't.  So I ate my treat and drunk a little of my hot chocolate.  I was almost finish with my treat when Alex decided to walk into the kitchen acting all normal and stuff.
"Aw man you started without me. " She pouted at the end.
"Yeah I was calling you.  Where were you? " I ask.
"Oh um..... I um I went to the restroom. " She said hesitating.  Looking at me in the eyes to see if I believe her or not.  Which I don't but then again my dad words keep coming into my head so I nod my head.
"Ok" I said letting it go she either gonna tell me now or imma found out regardless.  I got up and put my plate in the sink and put my cup in the refrigerator.
"I'm going to bed um I think there's a guest room on the third floor so you get a floor to yourself. " I told her walking towards the stairs.
"Wait you going the bed now?  It's only eight of clock. " She said.
"Ok? " I ask confused.
"Ok?... Ok and you use to be the one who would sneak out and get in trouble with me. " She said.  I admit I did a lot of things in my past that I wasn't proud of but that's the reason why I'm trying to move on.
"I did but now I'm grown now and I can't do stupid stuff no more. " I said knowing damn well she don't believe me.
"For once Star can you at least act like my sister" She said but I kept moving towards the stairs.  I'm tired and my feet is killing me in these damn heels.  I ignore her and went up the stairs to my room and feel into a dreamless sleep.
The next day I woke up the smell of chocolate chip pancakes and eggs.  So without fulling opening my eyes I hop out the bed and made my way towards the kitchen.  Not looking or opening my eyes all the way I tripped and fell down stairs.  I heard footsteps coming towards me but I couldn't careless could once the person help me up after asking if I'm ok I still kept moving to get to the kitchen.  Finally opening my eyes all the way the sight that meets me both shock and surprised me.  In the kitchen was Alex and James playing around while making pancakes.  Alex had flour all over her shirts and face while James had pancake batter on his head with a egg shell on top of his head.  I couldn't help but let out a small giggle.
"What the he-"
A voice said behind me but I quickly put a hand over their mouth.
"Shhh. I haven't seen James this relax since we was kids. " I told the person who I later found out was Dwayne.  He lick my hand making me remove it so fast there you would have thought I was burned or something.
"Did you just lick my hand? " I whispered yelled.
He smirk at me with a look in his eyes that made me want to step away from him.
"That's not all imma be licking"
He said in his husky voice.  But before I could say anything Alex beat me to it.
"Ew! "
She squealed out.
"Yeah,  man.  I don't want to hear all you gonna do to my sister.  That's nasty" James had a 'that's nasty af face'.
"What ur doing here? "
I ask James.
"Oh Alex said she wants to have a good old family breakfast today so I came as soon as I heard. " James said like it was obvious.
"Yeah. I told you last night that I missed us being close so I though this would be a good idea" She stated.  Dwayne wrap his arms around my waist.
"I thought we agreed to be friends?" I ask him.
"Shut up my wolf wants my scent on you and don't act like you don't like being close to me either. " He said cocky.  I roll my eyes at him anyway.  I mean it's true but what I look like telling him that al it gonna do is boast his confident.
"Now let's eat" Alex said bringing me out of my thoughts.  We all sat at the table while Alex serve us.  I had four stack of pancakes and some eggs on my plate.  Me being weird I poured Mrs. Butterworth all on my eggs and pancakes.  I know it's sound weird but it good af.  They all gave me a nasty look like bitch don't judge.
"What? "
I ask.
"Babe I know you ain't pregnant or anything. " Dwayne started.
"But why are you eating like that. " And James finished.
"Cause I'm a grown ass woman and I can do what I want" Ok so I admit I sound like Carle but that's only cause we became close like real close.  She honestly felt like the sister I never had.
"Sister I love you and all but that's just nasty. " Alex said.  I picked up my fork and stuck it in the eggs rubbing my eggs all up in the syrup and ate my eggs making them look away from me.  I smile in satisfied and continue eating my meal.  When I ate up all the eggs and started on my chocolate chips pancakes.  I took a bit from it and couldn't help the moan that came out of my mouth.  It was so fluffy and taste like heaven.  I close my eyes saving the taste of it in my mind.  A growl brought me back to reality.  I look to where the growl had came from only to find out it was caused by Dwayne who was looking dead at me with lust.  I lick the syrup from my lips and stare back at him.
"What? "
I ask confused.
"Never.Make.The.Noise.Again? "
He said in between growling.  Like DF is he a dog or some.
"Or what? "
I challenge him.
"Or I'll snatch you up from the table and fuck you so hard that it will go down in the history books" He said while his eyes was changing to every color of the rainbows.
"Challenge accepted alpha"
I said moaning the alpha part just to see if he was bluffing.  Not even to seconds I was lifting from my seat and was heading up the stairs with my brother and sister following me.
"You shouldn't have done that"
He said in a dangerous voice that excited me and scared me a little.
"Oh shit"
I heard before we both was in the room with the door locked behind us.
"Wayne,  don't do this bro.  You know Star she always like taunting people.  Fight for control bro"
James said banging on the door.  Wayne tied my hands to the headboard with some rope he randomly had on him and rip my clothes off like it was nothing.  Leaving me naked like the day I was born.  He did a quick check out of my body and said
Dwayne growl out possesively NAD territory. He already shred his clothes off himself. 
"Wayne..... Look you got to fight for contro-ooooooh" Without sliding on a condom he entered in me.  That night was fill with pleasure,  love and possessiveness.
The next day My brother decided to leave saying he was still trying to find mom's murderer.  He said he close to solving it but he ain't so sure about it.  Meanwhile Alex hardly be seen at home she said she got a job at some unknown place that I haven't heard of but putting my paranoia aside and just believe her until father notice.  Dwayne have been avoiding me since last night. I guess he feel guilty but it wasn't like I was a virgin or some plus we're'mates' and it was gonna happen sooner or later.  I mean it's not like he mark me or I mark him we just mated..... Without a condom.  I know what you're thinking why ain't you freaking out or did you take the morning after pill.  To be honest I would have but I never believe in killing a life or anything well except that one time but that only because he tried to hurt me.  Anyway if I do or do not get pregnant imma keep my baby cause it's mine.  But just in case I ask Clare to bring me a pregnancy test today.
So here I am sitting in my room waiting on her to come running in at any moment.  After two hours she enters with a shopping bag from city trends and hand me a pregnancy test.
"So let me get this straight.  Y'all finally did it but he's avoiding you like you got AIDS or some shit" Clare ask.  I nod my head and took the test and enter the bathroom.
"Yes. I mean I'm not mad at him for mating me cause now I feel compete" I told her honestly.  I peed on the stick and set my timer on my phone for fifteen minutes.
"Yeah I know the feeling.  But look at it this way we could be pregnant besties now. " I laugh out loud.
"Yeah and we could get on his nerves with our hormones" Now it was her turn to laugh. We waited awhile then my phone went off.
"Girl, what it say? " She ask through the door.
I look at the stick and since it one of those stick that tell you your pregnant or not in words it was easy.
"You ain't gonna believe this but I'm......... "
(To be continued)

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