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Star pov
I went to bed with one thought on my mind.  Was I doing the right, thing?  The next day I woke to my ringing 'god is a woman' by Ariana Grande.  Before I pick it up I look at the clock on the wall seeing it's four-thirty nine in the morning.  Now who in they're right mind would be up at four some in the morning.  Picking up my phone and swapping my thumb on it to unlock it only to find out it was Alex calling me.  I'm not gonna say I answer it right away cause that would be a damn lie.  Instead,  I hit ignore and sat it back where I got it.  Laying my head back on my comfortable fluffy pillow hoping to get some sleep but life never work out the way you plan cause it rang again.
"She better be dying" I muttered under my breathe before finally answer it.
"What bitch? "
I answer rudely.
"Hello sister"
She said in her overly excited voice.  Which was fake af I mean who df would be happy this early in the damn morning.
"I think you got the wrong number. " I said and was about to hang up until I heard her yell out a 'wait'.  Rolling my eyes I bring the phone back to ear hopeful this conversation don't take to long to end.
"What Alexander" I said.
"Wow,  the full name Star? "
She ask calmly sounding hurt but I couldn't careless at the moment.
"What u want"
I ask.
"Ok,  look.  I need a place to crash. " She said.  See that's like the only reason someone call you early in the morning either it's bad news or they want some.  In her case she want some.
"And Shawn can't help you? "
I ask.
"See what happen was-"
I sigh out loud.  Looks like I'm not going to sleep no time soon.  Sitting to in the bed while waiting on her to finish
"A week after you left he start acting distance and i kind of felt guilty after stealing your mate and all" She paused to see if I was paying attention.
"What did u do? " I ask.  Knowing her she did some stupid,  shellfish or low down.
"I rip his mark off my neck and announce to the pack to I wasn't his real Luna and... " She stop.
"And? "
"I ran away found my real mate who was so perfect until he found out that I was marked and claim by someone else before who wasn't my real mate so he rejected me on the spo-" I cut her off with my laugh.
"Hahaha laugh it up. " She said with a attitude.  That's what she, get for taking mines.
"Where u living now? " I ask.
"In my car that I got for my sixteenth birthday from my dad. " She said.
"Ok,  why should I help I literally gave u everything. " I said.
"Now u being overdramatic. "
She stated.
"How? "
"U took my mate. MY MATE! Dad died cuz of Ur Dad being with my ma.  U basically had a family while nines was breaking up.  Not to mention my mom praise u more than me and my brother. Oh and u too over my suppose to be pack making u a Luna of a pack that was even urs. " I said trying to keep my voice low so Dwayne don't come or hear..
"How is mom cheating my fault?"
She ask confused.
"Cause u was born from it! "
I shouted no doubt Dwayne heard.
"See now u just trying to find some to blame on me. " She said.
"Hanging up now. "
"OK!  OK!... ok.  I admit maybe stealing ur mate shouldn't happen. " She stated.
"No shit"
I said sarcastic.
"And!  I should have had ur back when ma was talking to you and James like y'all wasn't her kids" She said.
"Oh,  really. "
"Star I know I fucked up.  But all I'm asking for is a place to stay until I get enough money to afford my own place that's all I'm asking.  We don't have to pretend to be how we use to be when I was little cause out relationship is broken. Please. " She beg at the end.  I can already see her pouting on the other end.  I go to answer her question when a voice stop me.
"Whose on the phone? "
Dwayne ask me in his sleepy voice that deeper since I had awaken him by mistake.  I looked at him only to almost drop my phone.  He was standing in the door way only in boxers and his red nike slides. Rubbing his eyes with his fist like a small child would do.  For a second i was distracted by those abs but snap out of it when Alex ask me who that was. Clearing my throat I say
"My mother's daughter. "
I answer with no emotion in my voice.  It was like I was a robot or some.
"Cool,  cool.  Don't be up to much I want u to met my daughter tomorrow" He said.
"Ok and my sister want to stay here" All the sleep left him like a slap to the face.
"Hell nah"
He stated.
"She don't have no place to stay"
I said.
"Don't ain't ur problem  star.  She took ur mate,  ur pack and ur Luna position.  Why would u forgive her after that" He ask.
"I haven't forgiven her.... Yet.  I just... She my brother's sister" I said with defense.
"Oh,  so u doing this for James? "
He ask looking at me with a unconvinced look.
"Yeah?  Yea since the last time he saw us we was really close plus he need his sisters.  We the only family he have" I said.  He nod his head and head out the room but not before I heard him say 'yeah not for long' under his breathe.
"So I can stay! "
She ask excited all up in my ear yelling.
"Yea I gue-"
She cut me off with her screaming.  With that I told her we'll send a Uber her way after she gave me the location to where she at since Dwayne still don't trust her at all.  After that I went to sleep well tried to be it was like I had alot on my mind.  Getting up off my bed I went into the bathroom and look for some cough syrup to would put me to sleep.  Once I found my some that was in a clear container and had blue stuff in it that was for the night time called 'Cold Max' I took about two to three table spoons and was out like a light.
Where am I? I know that a very cliche question to ask but last time I checked I was in my comfortable bed not in a fancy ass castle.  I watch a lady with blonde hair and flawless skin with a four year old baby girl in her arms walk into a room with two little boys who look about eight years old.  I looked closely only to gasp in shock she look just like me but much older maybe in her late thirties or some.
"Tod go and get ur daddy let him know we home" She told the little boy who had her skin tone and black or brown hair.  I'm guessing he got that from his daddy.
"Ok,  mommy" He ran off to his dad.
"I wanna do something! " The other little boy said in a whine. He too had his mom skin tone.
"Alright Chris, how bout u go get ninya tablet out of car seat. " She said smiling down to him.  His face lit up and without saying nothing back he ran out the door and to the car.  I walk closer to the woman standing in front of her.  Waving my hand in her face thinking she could see me but it was like I wasn't even there.
"Mommy" The baby said reaching putting her hand on her mother's face.
"That's right baby mommy here" She start talking baby talk to her.  Suddenly a dark or brown skin man enter the room with Tod in his arms.  DF?.... That's Dwayne?  I look closer and notice him and future me are wearing rings on our fingers.  We gonna get married?  Quickly placing tod down he made his way towards the little girl.
"There's my baby girl" He took her away from her mother and looked at her with so much love I honestly felt my heart melt at the sight.
"What about me daddy? " Tod ask looking like a little puppy.  Dwayne looked down at him with a smile and said
"Now how am I gonna forget about you. " He reach his other hand down and picked up his little boy.  Chris came running in with a tablet in his arms and seen the sight before him.
"Are we gonna visit Auntie Alex grave today? " He ask so innocent.
What she died?  But how?  No... This can't be..... Not my sister.  Are we ever gonna be close like how we was when we was little?  Was we ever close before she died?  Next thing you know my heart start to feel tight and it was like it was contracting itself.  I felt breathless as I start freaking out.  More unanswered questions start feeling my head and tears to rain down my face. I felt myself slowly shutting down on itself.  The happy family was fainting from sight.
I heard a familiar voice say but I wasnt to focus on it.
"GOD DAMN IT STAR!  WAKE DF UP! " I was being shaking but I was to scared that what I saw would be real when I awaken.
"STARELLA!!!!!! "
I felt myself being lift to some other places.  Once they took me to whatever they was going they sat me on a cold objected that I figured was a tub.  I heard something being pouring then the shower came on and cold water was pouring down my head wetting my whole body.  Coughing until I open my eyes to other see a shadow well actually it was only Dwayne.
"What DF ma-"
I started but only stop when I was coughing.
"It woke u up didn't it? "
He said smartly.  Once I could breathe properly I gave him the meanest glare I could master.  Which wasn't much consider that I'm soak and wet.
"Don't look at me like that.  You should have woke up but nah u was being stubborn and shit" He said.
"Let me get this straight just cause I wouldn't wake up u thought it would be nice to just put me cold water. "
"Under cold water.... But yeah. " He corrected me.
"Nah I said it the way I wanna say it" I said with attitude.  I hate when people correct folks.  Like you know what they saying so what's the point in correcting them tho.
"Yeah yeah.  Get up ur sister suppose to come here and knowing that she's related to you I know she have your grown ass mouth. " To that I stick my tongue out at him. 
"I never claim I was an angel" I stated.
"Nope but ur a hybrid so come on she should be here around six some. "
He pull me up from the tub and toss me over his shoulder like I was a sack of potatoes.
"If u don't put me down  I will fart in yo face" I threaten him.
"U act like I can't do u the same way. " That made me noticed that I am laying directly in front of his ass.
"U better not or I swear to God I will-Aaaah" I was thrown on the bed in seconds scaring the hell out of me.
"Get dressed" He walked out the room without another word.

Im not yo mate tho (Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang