$$You dumped me for her

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Star pov
(Flash back a week ago)
It was my bday and the alpha of this pack decided to give me a birthday party. I didn't know why cause I never met him before but I heard he was dated Alex so that probably explains a lot. Anyway everybody was there well not my brother cause he never liked our mom and he was basically ten years older than me. I was having a good time until I spotted my sister Alex and some man who had his arms around her waist. They was heading towards me with a smirk on they're faces. I wouldn't think much of it until I noticed my mom smiling at me like she won the lottery. It wouldn't be scary af if she never smiled at me before. Anyway I turned from her and looked at the man with Alex and notice how cute he was with blonde hair, pink lips and hottest smirk on his face. My sister and I use to be close but when she became sixteen she start acting brand new and also started talking to older men just like mom.
"Happy birthday sis. "
Alex said breaking the uncomfortable silence that had happen when they showed up.
Nodding my head towards he I looked at the cute stranger expecting him to say something other than staring at me with a smile on his face.
"Oh, I'm Shawn and I'm the alpha of this pack. "
He told me like I should care about it. I mean why would I tho?
"Ok and? "
"I Shawn reje-"
"Excuse me"
I cut him off in confusion.
"You might not know this but your my mate and I refuse to accept that. " Shawn said.
"What you mean? "
I said.
"What I mean is I don't want you as my mate I'll rather take Alex instead. Since you know, she's my girlfriend"
I stared at him in shocked and disbelief of what he was telling me.
"I'm sorry...what?
" I am rejecting you Star.
I look from him to my sister who was smiling like she just won the best thing in the world.
"For her? "
I ask just to be sure that I wasn't hearing things.
"Yes, I chose Alex. "
In the moment I was a little disappointed but since I wasn't a wolf or lycan I didn't feel the bond that much plus he didn't give it time to work long enough for me to.
"Ok, go ahead then. "
I told him with a straight face.
"I alpha Shawn Martin reject you Starella Glover as my Luna and mate. "
I don't know why but I laugh so loud that it made Alex jump.
"Alright Shawn. I Starella Glover accept your rejection. "
Next thing you know, his ass on the floor crying in pain with Alex by his side. And with that I walk away from my soulmate and ex sister.
(End of flashback)

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