Unlike his breathing. Everything was still. I felt my hands trail up to his neck till I looked at him.

His stormy black hair got in between his closed eyes.

His long eyelashes hidden from the couple loose strands. I took them pushing them back.

You could see his whole face. His lips standing out the most. Just full lips.

I shut my eyes. The whole point of my hands on his neck was to choke him. But I don't think I could now.

I opened my eyes breathing out.

I couldn't go anywhere so I just laid my head on his chest. I heard him breathe a long deep breath in. I shut my eyes.

I'm gonna sleep again.

But he was fidgeting.

I felt his chin on top of my head.

Before he kissed it. His arms were around my body. He acted as if he was going to pick me up which immediately threw me off.

I opened my eyes. Moving away from him. He took in a breath eyes shut.

He then opened his eyes staring at me.

A bright smile came to his face.


"Good morning." He spoke groggily. Sleepy voice.

Nah no morning I'm going back to sleep.

His legs started to tangle within mine. He let go of me but I got closer to him.

Head on his chest. I shut my eyes. He was rubbing my arm up and down. Lightly.

I heard his heartbeat even though I wish it was gone.

Like Danny.

Ugh, Danny.

I can't think of him right now. I will have another panic attack.

I grabbed Blake's hand from my arm to my lower back. Then I lifted my head looking at him. Blue eyes knowing everything.

He squeezed me tighter.

Blake had seen my whole body.

I didn't care that half of it was out and half wasn't.

I gotta make him vulnerable.

I gotta distract him.

I untightened my robe just a bit. Not totally taking it off.

"What are you doing, Baby?" He questioned. Sleepily.

"Sh," I whispered. Looking into those blue marbles.

"Tell me." He said cupping my cheeks. I took his hands off my face.

Lowering it where it was before. Right on my waist over the robe. He squeezed it.

"Is this what you want?" He whispered chuckling. I could tell he was smirking. I didn't have to look up.

The Stalker-- sorry My StalkerWhere stories live. Discover now