chapter 20

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Ace and I walked into the cafe, and I quickly scanned the place. I spotted Haley sitting at the back, and I got really excited. "Haley!" I called, and she looked up. As soon as her eyes landed on me, she immediately got out of her seat and ran up to me.

"Rya, happy birthday! Oh my god, I'm so happy to see you; I thought you would've never came," she said as she hugged me tightly. "I missed you so much," she added, and tears came to my eyes.

"No, I missed you so much," I said, and she pulled back, then took a good look at me.

"You look so beautiful; you are literally glowing right now. And your baby bump is so round and cute," Haley said as she placed her hand on my belly. I heard Ace clear his throat, and we both looked at him.

"Oh, where are my manners. This is Ace, my boyfriend; I met him," I told Haley, and she looked at him from head to toe, then looked back at me, then smirked.

"Hi, I'm Haley, Rya's best friend." Haley introduced herself, and Ace nodded his head in respect.

"Nice to meet you," he said, and Haley raised her eyebrows.

"Wait, he's Russian; he has that accent?" Haley asked, and I nodded. "You went to Russia; that's so far, Rya," Haley whined, and I gave her a small smile.

"I just needed a little break," I told her, and she nodded.

"Let's go have a seat," Haley said as she led me to the back of the cafe. I sat down with Ace beside me while Haley sat in front of me. "So how has it been? I want to know everything. How did you guys meet? Haley asked, and I didn't have much to tell her, so I'll have to make up something real quick.

"Well, I met Ace at the airport. I don't know why I chose Russia when I had no idea how to speak their language, but when I met Ace, he knew how to speak both English and Russian, so he helped me and kept me company throughout the whole flight. We both exchanged numbers, and from there we started dating." I lied. I hated lying to my best friend, but there was nothing that I could do.

"Cool, see Rya. I told you. Just have fate, and you will meet the right guy," Haley said, then smiled. Ace's phone started ringing, and he grabbed it from his pocket. He stared down at the caller ID, and his expression changed from calm to angry.

"Rya," Ace called, and I stared into his eyes. "I'm going to take this call, okay? I'll be right back," he said, then stood up. He pecked my lips, then placed his hand on my baby bump and began caressing it. "Don't do anything stupid; my men are watching," he whispered into my ears, then kissed my temple.

"Okay," I whispered, and he answered the phone, then walked outside with Dmitri following behind him. I looked around the cafe, and everything looked so casual, but then I made eye contact with one of Ace's guards, who was sipping his coffee. I continued looking around, and I spotted five more; some were also outside. I wouldn't even notice because they dressed casually like everyone else and were doing normal activities. I even saw one wake a dog while talking on his phone.

"Oh my god, that was the sweetest thing I've ever seen," Haley said in awe, and I turned my attention back to her. "Did you see how he touched your baby bump? I'm happy to see that he accepted both you and the babies, even though they are not his." Haley continued to talk, and I nodded.

"Yeah, he's the sweetest," I told her, and she agreed.

"But why is he so serious, though? He barely said a word. I can tell that he is a businessman; he is very busy," she said, and I nodded. "He is so handsome and hot; I bet when you first saw him, he took your breath away. You two make a perfect match," Haley said, then paused, "what kind of business does he own, though?" Haley asked with her head tilted to the side.

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