Chapter 19

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Y/n POV:

I was in his castle, Zalgo had assigned me a grand room with a large view over his kingdom. I never would've thought it was so big. The fact that I had already been assigned a room concerned me, he planned this.

He had placed handcuffs around my hands, which weren't proper ones, just a fire red tint around my hands.
'So, now that you know where you can and can't go. What you can and can't say and everything else, you can roam around.' Zalgo says to me after everything.

'Why are there so many rules? And what's the point of handcuffs?' I ask.

'Rules keep things in order, and remember who agreed to do this.' Zalgo glares at me. I shut up. Before I was in a dream, this is real life.

I sit on my bed, limited with what I can do. Outside my grand window I see citizens of this ... city? The ones who aren't in armour look in pain, deformed and injured. They limp around, and if going too slow the guards or whatever they are come and push them forward. I never thought I'd feel sorry for people again.

I make eye contact with one of the citizens, they look up with fear and worry at me. Then they bow down and continue walking. Its not something I'm used to.

I decide to walk out since I'm allowed to go places, but can't go too far outside the castle. I walk around the withered city, with the withered people. They look down in misery and their wings are so tattered they couldn't fly if they wanted to.
'Excuse me, miss.' A young boy pulls on my arm from behind, I turn to face him. 'Do you have a bandage?'

His leg is bleeding horribly, he looks in pain. I see two guards walking up to us and begin to take him away He screams in agony as they raise their swords.

Just before they hit him I yell, 'Stop!'
They look at me. 'Don't hurt him, give him here!'

'But he's a peasant little boy, no worth to the king.' One of them say.

'If you dare lay a finger on the young boy I'll make sure you're, um, exiled from here.' I say, hoping they believe I have the power. Thankfully it works.

'Oh, of course we won't do that. Here.' The other guard says, pushing the boy my way as they both walk off.

'Thank you miss.' He boy says.

'And, actually, I think you need more than a bandage.' I say.

I take him to the hospital part of the castle and help him out. He gives me a hug with his skinny arms and runs out happily. How soft have I gone? He just reminded me of Sally, hurting herself and asking for help. I could not help it.

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