Chapter 18

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Y/n POV:

I awoke next to Ben. His arm was slung over my waist as he slept. I was facing him and admired his features. Why hadn't I realised sooner how pretty he is?
'Take a picture, it'll last longer.' Ben mumbled keeping his eyes shut with a smile.

'Why take a picture when I can just look at you right now?'

He opens his eyes, keeping his smile. He kisses my head and gets out of bed.

Downstairs nobody knows what's happened, especially since my top covers my neck. Damn has he left his marks. But damn do I love them.
'The rain has come closer.' Slenderman says.

'What are we gonna do?' I ask.

'Fight.' He states.

'We can't beat him and his army.' Clockwork states.

'We can and we will.' Slender says walking away.

'This is your chance to be safe, Y/n. If you join him, nothing will happen to you.' Ben whispers to me.

I shake my head. 'I won't join him.' I walk away.

Suddenly, a bang comes from the door , very aggressively. We all look at slender who's standing near it. He doesn't open it, but tells us all to go hide. He opens it, and none of us listen. There we see him. Its him. Zalgo. He's here.

'Zalgo.' Slender says with a formal nod.

'Slenderman.' Zalgo nods back. 'I've come to ... talk with you. Perhaps create a deal, if you will.' He let's himself in as we all step back, Ben grabs hold of my hand. I inhale deeply.

'A deal?' Slender questions.

Zalgo momentarily looks at me. 'Yes, I will take Y/n back to where she belongs and I'll leave you be.'

'I'm afraid I can't let you do that.'

'It's not your decision, it's hers.' Zalgo walks up to me. I feel intimidated. 'So, what's your decision?'

'You'll leave everyone alone if I come with you? Forever?' I ask. Zalgo nods.

'You're not seriously considering this, Y/n.' I hear Nina say. She's hushed down by someone.

'You won't ever bother them? Never cause chaos or something bad to them?' I continue to ask.

'I won't ever go near them again.'

'Then I'll go.' I say.

'No you won't. I don't allow you.' Slenderman says.

'She made her choice, it's final.' Zalgo grabs hold of me and teleportes away to his world. My hand felt so empty when it left Ben's.

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