"Remember guys-"

"We know, Hiccup. Call if we find anything," Snotlout finished, rolling his eyes.

I nodded, but added, "Meet here in about an hour."

Shaking himself slightly, Toothless walked hesitantly towards the middle path. It was by far the largest. Wooden beams supported the entrance, the rest carved into the rock. Every so often, metal held up lanterns to the walls. I squinted slightly, inspecting the small candles. I gasped. There were fireworms trapped in them. Shuddering, I remembered why we were at war with the Dragon Hunters.

As we walked, I strained my eyes for an outline or a glimmer- something that indicated where the changewing or Freya were.

"What do you think happened here after Viggo... well, you know," Astrid asked after a while, her blue eyes scanning me for a reaction. I sighed.

"Probably not taken care of. Maybe buried, but I have my doubts. Johann was not the most... caring man," I mumbled. Astrid nodded and we carried on. Shortly after, that was another fork.

"Left or right?" I asked, but she shook her head.

"Let's not just guess," Astrid said. "Do you have the changewing cloak piece?"

I silently chucked it to her. Effortlessly, she caught it, holding it to Stormfly's nose. After a couple of good sniffs, Stormfly seemed to know where she was going as she ran down the path on the right.

Toothless galloped after her, easily keeping up with the determined nadder. The pace whipped my hair back and a familiar rush of competitiveness washed over me. Picking up our pace, I leaned down flatter against Toothless. He leapt harder with each stride.

An arrow whizzed by from nowhere.

"Careful bud!" I called. He sidestepped and charged a plasma blast forwards. There was a yelp as someone dodged. I leapt off. Toothless ran up to Stormfly, keen to cover her flank. Out of nowhere, a bola trapped him midleap and he fell in a scramble.

"No!" I yelled, trying to pull it off. I grabbed Inferno, but something knocked it out of my grasp. Stormfly shot spines wherever it was, as I tried to find Inferno.

Three dragon root arrows were shot at the same time. Stormfly blasted one with a brilliant magnesium flame, and just dodged the other. One managed to hit her neck, causing the dragon to roar.

"Easy girl!" Astrid called as she soothed Stormfly. The dragon root began angering the dragon as I dodged the blasts.

"Arrrgh!" I yelled in frustration, charging forwards.

"Easy Hiccup," a very familiar voice called.

"Ryker?" My jaw dropped. "How did you-"

"You think I'd get on that ship if I didn't have a back-up plan? Sea-shockers make excellent underwater horses."

I narrowed my eyes, fury building within me. Astrid kept Stormfly busy. I rushed him, earning only a chuckle. I threw a punch and he sidestepped, sending a jab to my ribs. I gritted my teeth and kicked his knee. He didn't react, grabbing my arms and pulling them behind my back.

"What do you want?" I spat.

"Well Hiccup," he sneered, "you are on my base. I should be asking you that."

I wiggled, desperate to get out of his hold, as I saw a slight shimmer.

"Following something," I mumbled, still trying to pry his fat fingers off my wrists.

"Oh really?" he challenged. "And what was this 'something' that was so important that you wandered foolishly into my base?"

I had to stall. "Your base? Wasn't this Krogan's and Johann's?" From the corner of my eye I could see Astrid trying to back a mad Stormfly into a corner.

"Well, as leader of the Dragon Hunters I have to take opportunities for my tribe and this base - including the men - was deserted after Johann and Krogan failed."

"But why bother guarding it? Why not redirect the men and resources elsewhere? To your own island perhaps?" I saw a slight movement but kept my gaze still.

"That's for me to know and you to wonder," he spat. "I have to say though, bringing me the night fury and nadder was very kind of you."

My wrists were rubbed raw as Ryker tightened his grip. Desperate, I scanned the room. Toothless was immobilised by the bola. Storm fly was hit by a dragon root arrow and was attacking Astrid. She was dodging, barely, and was unable to help.

I could hear Ryker unsheath his dragon-proof sword. Ignoring the pain, I lashed out, kicking his ankle. He just laughed, hitting my shin thrice as hard as I had.

"Finally, I will be able to kill you," Ryker snarled. I kicked again, but he threw me to the ground. My eyes widened as he stepped towards me. Toothless growled, Astrid shouted something but all I could do was watch the sword come towards my throat.

"For the Dragon Hunters and Viggo." He raised the sword above me.

"I didn't kill him!" I yelled, hoping he would stop. He hesitated.

"You abandoned him in the caves - leaving him to get shot and then attacked by a skrill!" he accused. I shook my head quickly - too quickly - and my neck ached.

"He was already shot four times! He chose to work with the skrill so I could leave and avenge him!" I shouted back.

His eyes narrowed. "People say anything to survive." His voice was flat as he pressed the blade into my throat. He stopped as he saw the scab, a deep line between his eyebrows. "Who did this?" he demanded and I paused.

Should I tell him about Freya?

"I did." My eyes widened as a single voice rung through the cave. I recognised it instantly, and knew she was wearing her cloak completely up.

"Who said that?" Ryker snarled, forgetting about me. Slowly, I inched away.

Somewhere, Freya chuckled. "Not excited to see me, brother?"

Ryker's jaw dropped and a pinch of satisfaction hit me. There was a slight ripple as Freya removed her hood, a small smile on her sharp features.


Thanks for reading! If you liked the chapter, perhaps give it a vote?

How will Ryker react? Positive or negative?

What about Freya? Will she be happy to see him?

What do you think will happen next?

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The Girl with the Changewing Cloak (RTTE Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz