As soon as I got to the hotel, Stephanie was waiting for me.

"The show will be tapped tomorrow afternoon. For now, we have to figure out what you are wearing and go over the possible questions you will be asked. Cody, the guy that emailed you, sent me a list of questions Jimmy will ask you."
"Cool, what do you have in mind, clothes wise?"
"Might want to ask Sarah that."

I turn to my side and smile at sarah.

"What do you have in mind, clothes wise?"
"I was thinking, this cute black tank top I bought you the other day, blue ripped jeans, some white shoes and a cute grayish sweater."
"That sounds so cool. It's nice and casual and comfortable. I'm all in."

The next day was interview day. Stephanie and I had gone over most of the questions which were mainly about Shawn and what I've been doing since the break up. Nothing too hard.

I had already eaten breakfast, Sarah and I went on a walk around the city and then we ended back at the hotel.

At the moment, I was packing my bag with make up I probably won't use because Sarah and her team have me covered.

I really just wanted to do something since everyone else was doing everything for me.

"Okay girl, the car is ready to go, you're the only thing missing."
"I'm coming!"

I grab my phone and I run down to the car.

*ding ding*


Good luck tonight! 👍🏻

Read at 6:36pm


I sigh and turn my phone off.

This was the first time I've talked to Shawn in months. Well I didn't even talk to him but this is he first text I've gotten from him since.

"You're gonna look so great on tv! Thanks to me."
"Of course Sarah."
"I'm joking."

The car comes to a stop.

We went in and met Jimmy who was incredibly nice and funny. He showed us to the dressing rooms and wished us good luck.

"This is such an incredible outfit Sarah!"
"Girl I know. Let's get out out there now."

I smile and walk out to stand behind the giant curtain.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the one, the only, Jacklyn Black!"

The curtain opens and I walk out waving. I did get a little nervous. I've never seen this many people here to see me.

"Welcome to the show Jacklyn!"
"It's good to be here Jimmy."
"Let's talk about you, how've you been after the breakup?"
"I've been great, yeah. I'm finishing off my degree in fashion and I'm looking into buying a house in Dallas now."
"That's great! Have you and Shawn talked recently?"
"No, I haven't really talked to him. I just don't feel like there's a need to. Although he did text me earlier saying good luck."
"That's awesome. I bet he's a caring boyfriend."
"He was the best."
"So why did you guys break up?"
"Like he said, we just wanted different things and we parted."
"I have to ask, did you hear the pregnancy rumors?"
"Yeah, I did. Thought it was very random. I think people just want me to be pregnant."
"I know, it's crazy. I guess it's cuz you're just always glowing."
"I think it's because I went to LA the other day."
"Why were you there anyways?"
"I was just visiting my friend Sarah."
"Let's move on. Have you heard his album yet?" This was not one of the questions that were sent.
"Yes. I heard it before it was released. Shawn wanted to make sure it was perfect and I thought it was the best album I've heard in a while."
"So you've heard this amazing ballad, 'Fallin' All In You'?"
"I thought it was the best one."
"Did you know it was about you?"
"No I didn't. When I asked him about it, he told me he had wrote it before our relationship."
"I don't know if you saw our show last night, but here's a clip about Shawn talking about this particular song."

Jimmy points to a small screen behind the camera so we could see.

"So Shawn the album,"
"It's incredible!"
"Thank you so much."
"We were asked by the people of Twitter to ask you about 'Fallin' All In You'."
"Yes, it's an incredible song. About an important person,"
"Is it about Jacklyn?"
"Yeah it is."

I tilt my head and smile.

"Twitter asked us to ask you, how do you feel about Shawn? Do you love him? Or did you love him?"
"Love? Well I don't know about that. Shawn's a very important person to me but I don't know if love is the right word. But he was everything to me."

The interview continued with more Shawn questions and in the end I was asked if I was thinking of trying to get back into the relationship pool. To which I answered, no.

"You did great tonight! Even with that question they threw in."

Before changing, I placed my phone in an angle where I could take a picture and sat on the bed.

Tagged @TheTonightShow
📍New York, New York

@JacklynBlackTagged @TheTonightShow 📍New York, New York

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Liked by ShawnMendes, Madisonbeer, Lizbeth.Marie and 2,628,527 others

New York, thank you🖤

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@username: omg can't wait to see the episode!!

@username: why is she even going? She's not even famous

@shawnmendes: can't wait to see it
@JacklynBlack liked this comment

@username: ^move on please

@username: Shawn doesn't deserve you baby I hope you exposed him :) ❤️

@username: gross

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