Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter 23

-;-Sam's POV-;-

"Sam." a voice croaked. "Sam, there's land." 

I lifted my head off the floating door. Sara was right, there was land. It seemed to be deserted. It was small, with few trees which meant no shade. It was rocky, with a small beach. It was a dark island, surrounded in fog. 

"I'm scared." Leah whispered. I took her small hand in mine. 

"It'll be alright. Maybe we can get help, food, water, somewhere to sleep." I explained. She gave my hand a squeeze and let out a whimper. 

About 45 minutes later, we made it to the island. I couldn't feel my legs from all the kicking, but we made it. I crawled onto the island, collapsing into the sand. Sara followed my actions. 

"I can't feel my legs." Sara whined. 

"Me either." I shook my head.

"I'm hungry Sam." Leah said hoarsely. I gathered her in my arms.

"Don't worry Leah, we'll find something soon. Just rest for a while." I responded. 

"Sam." Leah stated. 

"Hm?" I moaned.

 "Thank you for saving me." she whispered. Then she close her eyes, leaning her head on my chest, falling asleep. I smiled. 

"I wonder if the boys know." Sara sighed. I nodded. 

"They probably do." I answered. "They probably have the entire state of Texas searching for us." I laughed. 

"Knowing them, they do." she paused. "Do you think they think we're dead?" 

"I have no idea. Harry probably doesn't believe we are, Niall is most likely in denial, Louis thinks we're alive, Liam is probably confused, and Zayn is scared." 

She nodded in agreement. 

"Go to sleep Sara. We all need it." I said. She closed her eyes, and fell asleep quickly. I followed her, laying down and placing Leah beside me. 


"Sam, I'm really hungry." Leah whined. I opened my eyes to the small girl clutching her stomach. On cue, her belly let out a huge growl. 

"Ok Leah, we'll find something to eat." I assured her. She smiled and nodded rapidly. I leaned towards Sara and nudged her softly. "Sara, come on. We're going to search for food." 

"Can we have McDonalds?" Sara asked groggily. I shook my head and let out a small laugh. 

It's amazing that I'm laughing and smiling, even though we're on a deserted island. 

"Oh, wait. Never mind." she sighed. 

We started walking up a hill. There were trees and bushes, none containing any types of food. We hiked all the way to the top of the island, finding no food. 

"What do we do now?" Sara questioned. 

"Fish?" I suggested. She nodded. "It's getting dark again, let's get some wood and make a fire, yeah?" She nodded. 

"Sara." Leah said, pulling on Sara's shirt. 

"Yeah?" Sara asked.

"Can you give me a piggy back ride?" she gave Sara a puppy dog face. Sara bent down and let the little girl jump on her back. We made our way back down to the beach, collecting sticks for wood on the way down. 

"You guys make the fire, I'll find some fish." I ordered. With that I ran out to the water, with my sharpened stick. I walked out until the water was at my thighs. I found a school of fish an began throwing my stick at them. I must have got at least 7, before they all swam off. I walked back to shore, finding that Sara and Leah made the fire. 

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