Intro to the kinds of wyverns that will be in this book

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If the dragon reaches an untold level of power or energy they unlock something extremely powerful called Kugio when they can literally do anything with their element and with there element depending on their species there might be a special ability once they unlock Kugio.

Fire wyvern
Abilities: can light themselves on fire, heal others with fire
Size:100 ft
Wingspan:50 ft
Breath attack: fire
Leader: Queen Inferno
Description: they have scales the color of blue fire to red fire, eyes the color of magma, they are the third fastest dragon other than air wyverns and lightning wyverns, they are very loyal to their tribes, friends, and skilled fighters they are friends with the air wyverns and Lightning Wyverns. hates water wyverns
Air Wyvern
Abilities: can fly very fast and create tornadoes and hurricanes
Size: 60 ft
Wingspan: 30 ft
Breath: attack gusts of air
Leader: Pheasant
Description Scales the color of dusk to colors of dawn and sky blue. Eyes are the color of white clouds and dark grey clouds. Friends with the Lightning and Fire Wyverns.
The second fastest dragon in between the fire and lightning dragon can fly to the edge of the atmosphere can dive down at 500 mph.
Lightning wyverns
Abilities: shoot blasts of lightning from blue to purple in color turn into lightning to surprise enemies and shoot flashes to blind enemies
Size: same as wind dragon size
Wingspan: same as wind dragon wingspan
Breath: lightning
Leader: Spark
Description: electric blue to electric purple fastest dragon speed of up to 750 miles per hour eyes are electric yellow color friends with Air and Fire Wyverns and can live right before space and stand up to high temperatures

Water Wyvern
Abilities: breath underwater breath bubbles create water disasters
Size: 200 feet long because of the size of the ocean so they can grow massive in size
Wingspan: 75 feet
Breath: Bubbles
Leader: Wave
Description: Aqua Blue to Deep sea green scales and royal blue and seaweed green eyes .friends with the earth wyverns
Earth wyvern
Abilities anything that deals with the land including sinkholes avalanches mudslides earthquakes shoot stone spikes out of their tails and mouth
Size same as water wyvern
Wingspan: same as water wyvern
Breath: stone spikes
Description: mud brown to obsidian colored scales extremely thick scales and a big appetite friends with the water Wyverns
Leader: Stonecarver
Galaxy wyvern
Size: 36 feet long
Wingspan: 16.5 feet long


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