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chloe's point of view

We walked inside and it was dark. Weird. I hit the lights. The house lit up. The kids dropped there backpacks and ran upstairs then came running down

"WHOS IN OUR KITCHEN??!!" Michael yelled

"Me guys!" Jace yelled

"You again?!" Ava yelled

"Again? That's my feisty one" he said

"Jacobson Aidan Ortiz. Why are you here?" I said as I walked into the kitchen

"Oh we all know why Chloe Ann Orlando" he smirked

"Mom did you just say Ortiz? Isn't that our last name?" Michael asked

"Yes isn't it Chloe?" He said trying to make a point

I don't want him to confront the kids about being there father

"Mom why is he here?" Ava asked

"Go upstairs. Both of you" I said

"Why!" Michael asked

"Yeah why Chloe?" Jace asked

I was furious. I dropped my bags and grabbed him by his collar and walked to my office and pushed him inside, turned around and closed the door slightly

"Ohh are you trying to get me back?" Jace smirked

"Don't play with me Jace. Why are you here" I said clearly mad

"To confront my kids and tell them that there mother knew all along" he said

"NO! Your not there parent" I yelled

"Um... I actually am there my kids" he said

"Ok and so? You didn't raise them!" I yelled

"Because I didn't know about them cause you didn't tell me" Jace added

"Because I wasn't the one with a drinking problem!" I shot back

"I made time for you Chloe!!" He yelled

"By taking me to your work. When I said I didn't want to come you'd freak out and get mad at me and go out leaving me alone at night! Then you'd use me for-" he cut me off

"No I didn't!! You'd say that every time I was gone and then you'd complain about it but i didn't! I really didn't! And I really didn't expect you to be pregnant and especially not tell me" he yelled

"Well you didn't give me attention so what makes you think you'd give my kids attention?" I added

"I would! I'd quit my jobs if I had to!" He said desperate

"Jace. Your the person in LA that everyone knows. You have a fan club, shrine, accounts. You've got it all. 3 buildings. 5 different businesses. You go to 8 meetings every 2 hours. You sleep in till 2 and you only have of Sunday and do more work." I added

"And I'll take off more work days! Ill do anything if it means I get to spend time with my kids. You knew how much I wanted kids of my own. We wanted kids together! We wanted to get married. I'm sorry work took over my life but I can't quit my job but I can take off days if you can let me see them!" He shot back

He had this sorrow look in his eyes

"I don't know..." I said

"Please Chloe! That's all I ask to see my kids!" He begged

"I don't..." i was still unsure

"How would you feel if your kids were taken away from you and you wanted them back? Huh Chloe? How do you think I feel?" He looked mad

He had a point

"Fine. But you need to get to know them first"

"YES! Yes thank you Chloe thank you!" He yelled

He hugged me quick and walked towards the door. He swung it open and we saw our two kids staring up at us with confused looks on

"Excuse me didn't I tell you to go upstairs" I said mad

"Didn't I ask you who my dad was!" Michael yelled at me

"What's a dad?" Ava asked

"Ava I told you I'm the smarter one!" Michael yelled

"What's a dad!!??" Ava yelled

Jace slightly laughed. I punched his arm

"Guys we need to have a talk"

"Are we in trouble?" Michael asked

"No guys... just sit down" I said

We sat at the table

"Sooo..." I said

"Why is this guy still here?" Michael asked

"Guys... 'this guy'"

They laughed and Jace made a mad face

"Is your father..."


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