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chloe's point of view





My 5 year old twins yelled to me from upstairs


I sighed and continued cooking there pasta. These children have driven me crazy the past 5 years raising them with no one besides me. Why? You may ask. Me and my children's father is Jace Ortiz. He is the billionaire of LA... Running loads of businesses and buildings. He nearly had any time for me. I remember the night we broke up. We were fighting at almost 1 in the morning about his drinking problem he had developed. After work he'd go out to the clubs and get drunk and come home late. I couldn't take that anymore. I confronted him and he didn't seem happy. We split before I could say anything about me being pregnant with his kids. I walked out the door with nothing but my purse and phone and the clothes I had packed in my car. As I drove out of his big mansion, I wondered where I would go. I couldn't go to my parents. We had argument about me and Jace moving in with each other about 3 years before the twins were born. My brother and sister took there side to. I could only think to go to a hotel. I stayed there for awhile until I got a job. I opened up a wedding dress shop and I run it and that makes me good money. I bought a condo as my babies grew. I built the nursery all by myself. I decorated the condo all by myself. I remember coming home from the hospital my neighbor who is now my best friend, Jenna, had to help me bring them in. She helped me at night when I needed to put them to bed. She was always so kind. She still is. She has brown hair going into a blonde ombré hairstyle and hazel eyes. She treats the kids almost like they were hers. By the time they were 2 I had to move. The condo was to small for them, they couldn't walk or crawl or play. I moved into a nice and big grey suburban house in a noble area of LA. The kids have there own rooms. Michaels room is blue with brown furniture and Ava's is pink with white furniture. Well hopefully that recaps most of the story...

We all sat down at the table and ate dinner. After we were done I took there plates to the sink

"Bed time" I said

"No!!" Ava yelled

"Please one more hour!" Michael yelled to

"No it's a school night" I responded

There in kindergarten
"But we-"

"Ava you do this every night common. If you wanna play tomorrow you need sleep" I glared at then

"Fine" they both responded

I tucked Ava into bed first and then Michael


He said as I pulled the covers over him


"Why don't we have a daddy?" He said looking into my eyes

My heart sunk. This is the first time he's asked something about his father. What do I tell him? "Oh me and your father got into a fight and broke up before I could tell him about you"... What 5 year old would understand that?

"Ummm he doesn't live with us" I responded

"So we do have a daddy?" He asks

Gosh now he's gonna wanna know more

"Everyone has a daddy Michael"

"But why does-"
I cut him off my kissing his forehead and walking towards his door

"Goodnight Michael"

I shut the door and walked into my room and changed into my sweats and a tank top and laid down in bed and drifted to sleep

End of first chapter!!

Sorry it's so long. Most chapters will be long!

Billionaires Secret Kidsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें