thirty two

452 24 0

{ Jace } 

-I think I like Jace's POV more.. 

It is towards the end of February now. This is the time of year everyone of all ages hate. Stuck in the middle of the year, not close enough to summer. Mid terms, crappy weather, busy schedules, working late. It's a hecktic time for everyone. After Christmas break, I have been staying over Chloe's house a lot more than usual and work from home most of the time, but this week recently I have been stuck with working in the office late and meetings on top of meetings. 

Right now, it's almost 8 pm and Chloe just hung up the phone on me and is super upset because I won't bring home Chinese takeout for her. I explain to her I won't even be coming over tonight due to how exhausted I am. I also offered to have it delivered, but she refused saying 'it wasn't the same'. It someone turned into her accusing me of not loving her.. She hung up the phone before I could say anything, so I figure just let her cool off for a few minutes. 

Recently she's had such an attitude with me and always pouting. When I say she looks cute, she just throws a frown at me. And I saw her eating peanut butter from the jar with her finger the other night right before bed, she used to hate peanut butter. 

Whatever, I just brushed it off. Maybe she's going through some.. girl thing. 

Note to self; bring Chinese takeout home tomorrow 

{ Chloe }

"I want your things out of the office by tomorrow morning!" I shout at a new employee 

"Yes ma'am" she says quickly running out of my office 

"Bitch" I mumbled 

"Chloe, that is the fifth person you fired this month!" Jenna comes in "What is happening?" 

"She embarrassed my company of course I'm going to be angry!" I shout 

"Jeez, you've got the attitude of a month long period" she blurts out 

"Shut up" I respond "I'll fire who I want to fire, I didn't like her anyways" 

"Don't be too crazy. Please. We have a good reputation around town" Jenna asks 

"Alright alright" I breath "Now get out I wanna eat my sandwich in peace"

"Alright miss period" she says 

Whats her problem.. I'm not on my per-. Oh my goodness.

 It hits me now.

 I haven't had my period since early December. 

Oh my fucking god. 

I can't be pregnant.. really?

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