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The past months were a bit hectic, though the change was for the better. My father started accepting the fact that I have a thief as a mate. Mylo didn't like being in the palace, as he normally got lost in it every other day. Some of the staff started building a house for Mylo and our new family to live in, and managed to finish it after 3 months of building. The Ragger Streetlord and the Southie Streetlord, with a bit of help from us, finally managed to have a peace treaty. I helped maintain the outer circle area, back in line with every other area. Mylo's job as caretaker, was still in affect as he helped the orphanage children find loving families, though some stayed to become thieves, a bunch were put into good homes, and have a chance at a normal life. I paid for all the repairs done to everyone's houses, and managed to up the price of minimum wage from 7 dollars to 12 dollars. With the increase in minimum wage, I knew that it would take a bit of time for the prices of things to go back down to what they were before, but it didn't bother me as I lowered the taxes to make sure people could pay it and the raised taxes of the items in the market. The merchants and nobles still had to pay the normal tax though, which they complained about constantly. Those six months seemed to just past by us in an instant. Now I'm standing outside the doctor's room, waiting for Mylo and the baby to come out. I wasn't allowed in as they had to do a C-section on Mylo, and I would probably kill the doctor if I was in the room. I heard faint cursing and screaming, until one of the nurses came out. She smiled at me and said," Congratulations Prince Augustus the third, you have two healthy twin boys. Mylo's doing fine, would you like to come in?" I went into the room to see Mylo holding two babies. Mylo smiled at me and said," Can you believe it? No wonder, my belly was so huge, we have twins.! He looked over to the one on his right arm and said," This one is the healthier baby..while this one," Mylo looked over to the one on his left arm," is a lot tinier. I'm worried about him. He doesn't seem to focus on anything, what if he can't see?" I said," Then we'll still love him as much as the other one.. Here, let me hold him." Mylo handed me the bigger baby, and said," Well, I think the little one should be called Ashton. And I already know that the one in your hands is gonna be a big Papa's boy, so you should get to name him, and no saying Augustus the fourth, or I'll slice you open." I chuckled and said," Okay, okay..How about Benjamin, We can call him Ben for short." Mylo nodded, with a smile, and said," Ben and Ash Dagger, I like it." I said, surprised," Who said we were going with your last name?" Mylo said," I was the one that gave birth to them...Unless.." I smiled and said," From now on we're the King family." That was when I discreetly told Mylo that I was going to marry him, marriage wasn't a required thing for our kingdom, but if we ever walked in human society, we would need to be married. Ben developed rather quickly, over the years, Mylo and I were devastated to find out that Ashton was blind, it was something that we feared would happen. We didn't love him any less though. Benjamin took the role as the older twin and helped Ashton a lot of the times, when Mylo and I weren't around. Though Ashton was the older one, by a minute, Ash looked up to Ben. Ben and Ash have been by each others side ever since hey were babies. We had separate cribs for them, but they'd cry if they were in separate cribs, well, more like separated at all. As they got older, it faded. They didn't cry about it, and Ash started to be more independent, after we got him a walking stick, at the age of 7. It was the perfect little family that I always dreamed of, sure it wasn't what I thought it would be, and we had a couple of times that really tested our love for one another, but all in all it was perfect, that was until the war between the vampires started. Ashton was homeschooled through out his 19 years of living, while Benjamin was not. Mylo and I decided it was best to send them to a neutral area, where humans resided, though we knew this meant high risks for Ashton, as a hybrid.


This is the last chapter of Mylo Dagger and The Alpha, I know that I didn't really give a lot of moments with Rein and September, but I thought the one chapter was enough to see if you were interested in reading it or not... But trust me, this is not the end... There will be a sequel with Mylo and August's children as the main characters, though it will mainly focus on Ashton. The adorable hybrid. I'm going to try and make more art of my characters, so you can see how I envision them.. But until next time, Chi Out! Also I was really close to what my estimate was, it turned out to only be 19 instead of 20 chapters, but I degress.. On to the other books.! *checks this one off her long, long list*


Wait! Hold up... I finally realized the pattern here, people.. The reason I can't finish every book in the background.. Every time I finish a book, another one usually takes it's place.. If I want to expand on the world, or get an idea.. Like with Rein and September, Ashton and Ben + Mystery person, and I also had another person, he was only briefly mentioned though, Vex.. I was gonna do a story with him...but..It doesn't really fit with this version.. Unless, you guys would like to see the Southies Thieves Guild and how they worked... and Why Mylo doesn't really see Vex as an enemy.

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