Chapter 3

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I nodded, my head, accepting the apology, what else was I suppose to do? No like literally, how are you suppose to react to a person just randomly kissing you? I would have yelled at him, something, but I was just too shocked to do anything besides nod my head, and hope.. for what? I didn't know, I just hoped for something. A person arrived, looking to be a butler of some sort, as he said,"... August, you must come back to the house, your father is very worried about you." August looked toward me, then to the other guy, and said," Okay, Rein. Let's go." He left with Rein, who I believe noticed the tension in the air around us. When they exited, I couldn't help, but think about the kiss, how it went.. I was so absorbed in it. Maybe that was why Eve and Willow kissed so much.. If all kisses felt like that cheeks heated up, as I shook my head trying to erase the thought. Bad Mylo, think of something else, don't think about the kiss, just think about something else, anything else.. Fish. I was here for some fish, yes, that's it... Well, really it wasn't why I was here, I had really just wanted to make sure that I didn't mistake the guy for someone else, but fish got my mind off of the most complicated situations. As I was eating my fish I started to think more sensibly. The kiss wasn't personal.. It didn't hold any meaning to August, it was just for him to not get caught by guards. He did tell me to be quiet, so it was my own fault, that he... I shook my head again as I took a piece of fish from the plate onto the fork and into my mouth. I kept getting flustered about it, so instead of spending all my money on fish, when fish wasn't enough to get rid of the...his lips pressed against mine, my mind turned to mush, as he dominated the kiss.. I shook my head again.. Bad Mylo, don't think about that.. I battled with my conscious, as my subconscious lead my feet back to the Thieves Guild hide out. I was hitting my cheeks in an attempt to get the kiss out of my thoughts, when Eve said," Are you okay, Mylo?" I shuttered out," Y-yeah, I'm fine..I guess.?" Eve looked at me, weirdly, but didn't say anything to me, as she walked away. The past week, I busied myself with work I had to do for the guild. Willow was started to get worried, I could tell, but I didn't know what to do or say. I don't really know a lot about my culture, as I was raised here. Me being a mef'wa was normally more trouble than helpful, Would the library even be opened at this hour? The moon was high in the sky, as I made my way past the empty streets, Ah, here it is, the library.. Oh wait.. I can't read..Maybe there's a picture book..? Oh it doesn't matter anyways, it's closed, just like I thought it would be. I sighed and turned around, heading back. I need to know why my body is like this, in order to solve my problem.. Terra's gotten suspicious of my behavior.. I meow in my sleep, now, which I guess shouldn't surprise me since.. I blushed, and sighed, opening the door to the Thieves Guild. Willow said, sweetly," Okay, what's up with you lately?" I said," Hu?" Eve said," Answer the question, Mylo. Something's changed, we have a right to know if something's wrong." I shook my head and said," Nothing's wrong.. It's just.." Willow interrupted and said," So it is something.. I knew it.." Eve said," Just give me names, and I'll be sure to have a 'talk' with them." I laughed and said," Really, it's nothing to start a fight over, some one just kissed me, really that's it." Eve left, and returned with a book. I saw this book a lot when I was younger, I think it's a book that told you how to take care of a mef'wa. Eve used to scramble around my room with this book, she usually read me bed time stories about mef'was. They were historic, but usually had a happy ending. I think she changed it a bit, so that I wouldn't have nightmares, I was almost 5 then.


I read through the contents, till I found a kissing section, thankfully I kept this book after so many years, Mylo was so cute and adorable as a little kid, not to say that he isn't now. He'll always be the little kid that I saved from a rogue, who occasionally called me, Mom. He doesn't do that anymore, because of all the other thieves making fun of him, when he did. " Kissing... Mef'was usually kiss at a young age, so that they're submissive or dominative traits, are unlocked, when they reach a certain age, they will be able to choose who to kiss and who becomes their mate." I started panicking, so Mylo wasn't overreaching about a kiss, it was affecting him. I said," Who kissed you?" Mylo titled his head, and said," Why are you so angry, Eve? Did I do something wrong?" He frowned as he looked up at me. I growled, and said," Just.." Willow touched my arm and whispered," Calm down, Eve. I'll find out..Just be calm." Willow said, gently," You did nothing wrong, Mylo. We just want to know who kissed you." Mylo said, with a slight blush on his face," August, August kissed me." Willow decided to embarrass him further and said," Did you like it, was he gentle or really rough?" Mylo blushed the shade of a tomato, as he shuttered out," I.." He ran away, too flustered to continue. I sighed and went over to where he was, and sure enough he was barried under his blankets. I said," So, August kissed you, how do you feel? Mef'was usually mate with the person that kisses them first at this age. It means you're open for attack, anyone could.. you know, and you'd be stuck with them as a mate." He looked up to me, and said," I barely even know the guy that kissed me.. It was just a mistake.." I said, sternly," I'll get some information on this August guy, and then I want you to decide how this is gonna go down. Did you enjoy your first kiss?" Mylo nodded, quickly then said, hesitantly," I.. I liked it. I don't know, it felt right.. It sort of just clicked...Do I really have to tell you everything about it? You're like my mom, Eve.. It's weird.." I laughed and said," Okay.. Okay." I then left him be.

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