Chapter 12

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Warning Sexual Content? Kind of? Idk.. *shrugs* More like a ------- Well.. guess you're right,Ender.. I can't tell them, they'll just have to find out, and either be really glad, or really disappointed.. =P


It was difficult to say the least. Getting information out of Mylo, was like pulling teeth. I think that's how the saying goes, I digress. I want Mylo to be able to talk to me about things, but he seems so closed off for some reason. I said, testing him," I love you." He smiled and said," I love you, too." Well, whatever he was thinking, didn't seem to bother him too much. I suddenly remember that there's a box in my pocket which holds Mylo's gift. Should I give it to him now? No, I don't want to overwhelm him, this is only one day after our usual date. After months of having them, I can't possibly call them, hang outs any more. Hang outs don't let me kiss Mylo, when he's being overly cute. I didn't realize I was starring until Mylo said," ...gust... August..Are you okay? You were spacing out." I said, with a smile," Yeah, it's just nice to see you, two days in a row." His eyes brightened, as he nodded his head. "Yeah, I guess it's just been pretty busy, hu? Your father still searching for the perfect mate for you, and my caretaker duties have really kept us busy," Mylo said, in agreement. I sighed and said," I wish my father would just give up, it's been half a year. I already have the perfect person right beside me, at this very moment."


I-is he about to ask..? August said," I know that we didn't met under the best circumstances, but I know in my heart, that if there is anyone I want to be my mate, it's you, Mylo. So what do you say? Will you, willingly, be my mate?" He then got out a box and handed it to me. I opened it to see the golden bell from the window of the shop we passed by. I thought he wouldn't notice that. Well, it is August we're talking about. I said, excitedly, " Yes." Then becoming self-conscious said," I mean, only if you want to be my mate..." Before I could endlessly ramble, August put his hand on my cheek, and said," I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't sure that I wanted you to be apart of my life even if we are not the same species, love is love." Heart come back, stop trying to jump out of my chest and leap over to his. All the waiting, and the pain was worth it to hear this. Next thing I know, we were kissing against the wall. His lips were sucking and kissing down my neck, as I made embarrassing noises, that I covered with my hand. August grabbed my hands and pinned them to the wall, as he whispered in my ear, huskily," Let me hear your little voice, kitten." I blushed, I like him calling me that. For some reason, I found it really comforting and cute, but it embarrassed me so much, cause I couldn't help but think, if Eve or Willow heard his nickname for me, they'd never let me live it down. The box was down beside us on the ground, I later noticed. He took my shirt off, and guided my hands to take his shirt off. He then started kissing up my chest. "A-august," I moaned in retaliation," W-we can't..." August stopped, with his eyes closed. When he opened them, I saw amber eyes stare at me, before they turned back to their original color, greenish blue. He said in a strained voice," Why?" I panted out," The year..isn't over...your father..." August has never touched me like this, what is this smothering heat.? August made a pleased sound, as he growled lowly at me. My knees would have probably given out if he didn't have his arm around my waist. He hummed and said, not as husky as before," Your body tells me something else..." No..Don't give in, Mylo.. You got to reason with August's wolf, the agreement...Later, I woke up on a cloud like bed, on a heat source..I didn't want to open my eyes. My back sore, for some unknown reason..I blushed as I remembered what happened. I looked over to August and sure enough, he was in his birthday suit. I looked to myself, and was in the same position. I was about to get up, when suddenly August growled softly, and asked," Where are you going?" I said," I need to go to the bathroom." He grumbled, yet let me go. Suddenly, a thought randomly entered my head, should I get pregnant prevention pills? I mean...We didn't use any protection. We are part animal though, so we can't get a sexually transmitted disease. Maybe I should ask, Scott, the ever ally of disgusting honey flavored medicine. Oh? You don't remember that? Well.. It started when I first fainted, when we met.

August asked," The doctor will be here shortly." Mylo said," Ok..." It better not be about medicine..I hate medicine, it tastes awful, unless it's grape flavored those taste fine, Mylo thought. Mylo wanted to run out the door seeing as Scott held medicine in his hand. Oh so it is you my fated rival! You will not get the best of me to drink you, dwerf medicine! Mylo thought as he glared at the medicine. The medicine was in a little measuring cup and Scott was trying to get him to have the dwerf, gross medicine, The medicine found an ally! How dare my opponent be so smart! Mylo thought,childishly. As he keep his head away from the medicine. He said," Scott! Why are you plotting with the dwerf medicine!? Are you trying to kill me as well? What did I do to you to deserve such a cruel death?" Scott said,amusingly," The medicine won't kill you.." Mylo gasped; mocking shock,and said," Oh, how the mighty have fallen! Scott, you've been brain- washed! Evil medicine I will not succumb to your moves!" Mylo pushed Scott away and pulled the blanket over his head.

Yeah... Let's just say, it took a lot of time for them to give me medicine. And Oh, did it taste awful..Wait, now that I think about it. Going to Scott would be a terrible idea, what if he decides there's something wrong with me and makes me have medicine?

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