Chapter 14

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My Ragger scarf was wrapped around my head and covered half of my face. A caravan approached the location that our informant supplied us with. I looked over to Tessa and signed her. She ran over to her post, as the caravan approached. As the lookout, I had the vantage point. Luckily for us, there weren't many guards, which made no sense as they are carrying a lot of money with them and it's night time. Though I guess being a werewolf, they can see perfectly in the dark. Though if my cat like vision is any example then, they probably don't. I instructed Terra and Quince, a new member that completed his training, similar to me. As Quince was raised by the Raggers, he followed down the same path as me. This was his initiation; how well he did today; would be the deciding factor if he was worthy of the name Ragger. I hand signaled the motion to go in for the offense. I jumped down off my plateform, after giving Terra and Quince enough time to head in. I landed on the top of the caravan, where the driver was. Using the end of my blade, I knocked him out, then turned to the guard. Not given the guard time to figure out why the horses suddenly stopled moving, I put him to sleep by pressing down on a couple of his pressure points. Looking down, I noticed, to my relief, that nobody got hurt. The guards were knocked out and though it seems like Quince had difficulty knocking them out, it seemed like all of the guards were passed out. As I checked on the guards, Terra went to grab as much money as she could store into her potato sack. I turned to Quince and said," Good job, new kid." Quince's worried, and fearful expression turned to one of happiness. Quince said," T-thanks, Caretaker. They'll be alright, won't they?" I nodded, and said," They'll have a bit if a headache, and one of them has a couple of little scratches. But they should be good. Come on, let's fill up our own sacks." Quince nodded and we three continued putting money into the bags. It was a relatively easy mission, and we were almost done too. If it weren't for the sudden appearance of mef'wa guards. Luckily, I had been smart enough to carry the guards into a safe area a little bit away from the caravan. Terra was unfortunately not with us, as she was keeping an eye on the sleeping guards. I looked toward Quince, who was shaking. I said," Get out of here, Go get Ironwood. I'll meet you back, where we met." I directed thier attention to me, three of them stood in front of me. It would have been a fair fight if Terra was there, and Quince wasn't just starting out. Training and Using it for real are two different things. They seemed to want to give me a fair chance, probably thinking that I'm a werewolf as they oped out of using magic against me. It was a terrible choice on their part as I managed to hold my own against all three of them. Whoever taught them swordmanship should quit their job, the three were barely even holding their ground. They didn't come up to me one at a time, like our thieves code states. They attacked me all at once, but I was only the distraction. Quince and Terra had the money with them. And having used some of my magic, I knew that there was only three, and three remained with me. Deciding that I had given Quince and Terra enough time, took out my smoke bomb, and faded away into my home ground, the alleyways. I twisted and turned through them until I was at where Quince and I met. Quince and Terra were sitting down on the fountain base. I said," Why are you guys so gloomy? We got the money and nobody was hurt. Mission success!" I did a victory dance as they laughed at me, and soon joined in. Quince said," I don't think I can do this, I was just so worried and those guys appeared out of nowhere..I thought that I's be able to. I trained so hard in my past time, but..." I put a hand on his shoulder and said, with a smile," It's fine. Once a Ragger, always a Ragger. Though you never fought along side us, you grew up along side us. What ever path you choose is up to you. Not everyone can steal and be prepared to hurt others." Quince looked up at me and said," You don't think our streetlord would be angry.?" I shook my head, and said," We're not a family of thieves for nothing, a lot of people go out and have other lives. Why do you think we were the masks? I remember going and trying it out. You can always go back, to this place. Even though it doesn't look like a home." Quince nodded and said," Thanks, Caretaker. I don't know how you do it." Do what? Take care of a bunch of kids? Or take care of a bunch of thieving duties that the Streetlord gives me? I didn't know which he was referring too, it could have been both for all I knew. I did know one thing, that Quince had a future. He always seemed more into the blacksmithing side of the Thieves' Guild. Maybe his home is over with them. Quince, Terra and I went back to the base. Eve said," I take it the mission was successful?" Terra said," We ran into a problem, but we managed to get everything." Eve said, worried," What was the problem?" I said," It seems that the mef'was visiting this kingdom have brought a couple of guards. Though we managed to knock the normal guards in our kingdom, we had to flee from the mef'was." Eve said," How many were there?" I said," Three, but Terra was watching the guards, and Quince is a new member. It was better for us to retreat, though we did not leave empty handed." Eve said," So other than that, Quince did a good job." Terra nodded as I said," I think putting him in the smithing department would be the best." Eve looked over to Quince, who beamed up at the mention of smithing, and nodded her head in agreement. "You are the Caretaker, so if that is fine with you Quince, you will be a blacksmith in training, under Thereon."

Sorry, if this chapter is disappointing to you, curious about Mylo's sudden eating habits and if it means something. But We don't really see a lot of thieving guild operations going on. So I thought it was a good chance to make a chapter on it, and since this is a thieving chapter.. I bet you can tell what the next is gonna be about, no?

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