Chapter 18

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The emotional stress of every single little thing was overwhelming. It didn't really help that during my whole 6 months of pregnancy. Rein, Augustus' personal butler, and his younger brother September were basically battling it out. Not really, more like fighting through their kisses. Apparently, this has been going on for a couple of years, but Rein was good at keeping it a secret. September was the main reason that Rein kept quiet, " If I said anything, He'd put me in the dungeons," Rein told me. To me, it seems like September has a lot of making up to do, if he wants to get into a relationship with Rein, but I guess that is the root of the problem. Rein bears with all the insults and physical abuse September has to offer him. Though one time when I was walking down the hall, I did see the 'physical abuse' that cause a lot of hand marks on Rein's neck. It was just them kissing roughly with Rein pressed against the wall. Of course I have never mentioned to seeing this, I assumed that it would be best to let them work it out. August stood around me like a lost pup, it was cute, but it kind of got annoying a couple of times. Like..

Mylo was in the kitchen with Clare and was helping here prepare food, as they got to catch up on everything that's been going on lately. Of course, Mylo's big news was really obvious now, even though he was wearing August's shirt. Clare said," I'm thinking of coming over to your little illegal orphanage and adopt a couple of children, but Micheal thinks that in order for us to accommodate a family, we'd have to get a bigger house, and move to another house. I refused to have us move somewhere else, but you know how Micheal is. He couldn't accept the children having to share a room with us, so he said that we'd need to save up enough money for them." Mylo smiled and said," You'd be a great mother, Clare, I can feel it." And I honestly do, Mylo thought. Clare said," Yeah, I really want to have some, but I don't think that we'd be able to afford that type of stuff. But of us, just have so much work to do, you know?" Mylo nodded and said," Yeah, I get that. I guess a lot of things have happened since we last talked, you probably already have guessed that August and I are a couple." Clare said," I thought you'd never get a mate, you were always so focused on helping your family of thieves, I'm glad that August knocked some sense into you." Mylo glared, playfully at her, as he said," It took both of us, to make the relationship work. I tried as much as August did." Clare said," Well.. you're a prince, now... That's a lot of change in status.. I mean, The king of Mef'was is your father, kind of hard to believe." Mylo shook his head," No, that mef'wa is not my father, no matter what he says. He may have helped create me, but that doesn't make him a father. A father is a man that raises you, he did no such thing. He is just a mef'wa called King Floyd. Eve and Willow will always be my real parents." Clare said," You, at least, should give him a chance." I asked, angrily," Why should I? It's not like he was ever really there for me, I was a baby, a baby, only a couple months old when I was thrown into that terrible orphanage. The only thing that old lady ever did for me, was let me live. Her assistant kept me feed, and practically feeds everyone in the orphanage. I'm just glad that old lady is dead. Riley will do a much better job for them, even if they are stuck in the Southies area." August came in and was appalled to see Mylo cutting up cucumbers. August said," Mylo, relax, it's not good for the baby. What are you even doing cutting something with a knife..You could hurt yourself. Why don't you lie down, get off your feet for a bit.?"

Of course, I knew that he was just showing concern for me, and the baby, but I really didn't like how he basically slapped Clare with the news that I'm pregnant, I wanted to be the one that told her. As she's my friend, which may have been why I chased him around with a wooden spoon. I was lying next to August, as he was doing paperwork on the bed. He thought that this would be best for both of us, as I'm not really comfortable in those chairs, and can't be standing for a long time, as it hurts my feet. August also didn't want me to leave his side, so I get to be comfortable, and in his vicinity, while he gets to work. It's only been a month in my pregnancy, and things have gotten hectic. Rein had a mental breakdown, in August's office, which was most likely due to September, apparently Rein and September are possible mates, but haven't completed the process, at least that's what the female staff says. September has been harassing them more than usual, and Rein is usually the only one that can break it off. I have an idea of why Rein would have a mental breakdown, and start crying. September seems to be too rough for Rein, as I have seen Rein have multiple hand print marks on his skin. I said, that I would get August to go to the council, yet Rein practically begged me not to say anything. I didn't get why Rein, a sweet, kind non-judgmental wolf, would want such a barbaric person, like September, but love is love, and they aren't always for the best of reasons. I was worried about Rein, as even though we didn't talk a lot, Clare spoke rather fondly of him, as if she was a proud mother telling other mothers how amazing her son was.

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