Chapter 11

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It was probably rude of me, to eavesdrop into one of Mylo's conversations, but I couldn't help myself. Micheal, one of the guards, was the only person out of the two to notice me. They were talking about me, so I mouthed to Micheal and Mylo whole heartily answered the question I've been dying to have answered. He listed the good and the bad, not once did Mylo ever mention how much money I have or anything like that, all he talked about was things about my personality, and a bit about my looks. Then Mylo said something that really got to me, he didn't like me kissing other people, but he never said a word of this to me. I said," Micheal's right, you know. That isn't really a selfish thing." Mylo turned to look at me, then he shuttered out," H-how long were you behind me?" I smiled and said," Long enough.." I frowned, as I said, after I grabbed his chin, which made him look at me," You know you could have told me, right?" Mylo said," I don't want to sway your opinion, just because of something I said..It's fine if you want to look for other people. It's perfectly fine." My eyes narrowed, he's hiding something. I don't know what, but the signs he usually gives are there. The eye looking around at everything, not wanting to stare into my eyes for too long, the ever slight bent of his head. If my hand wasn't lifting his chin, he would have probably looked down. All of these were signs of him lying, I managed to notice over these past couple of months. I decided not to pry, as I did eavesdrop on a conversation of his, so I put my hand back down. I said," Well, since you're here, I might as well show you around the palace." As Micheal looked at us in disbelief, Mylo smiled happily and gladly followed me, seeming to ignore Micheal's facial expression. I showed him the library, which I assumed he wouldn't take an interest in until he said," Are you going to read me stories?" I chuckled and said, kind of off guard," I didn't think you actually liked anything to do with reading." Mylo surprised me, as he said," Of course, I like stories...even though I can't read them on my own, it doesn't mean I don't enjoy a good tale. I take care of children, sometimes, and they always want a story, I always try to remember as many stories as I can, in order to tell them." I smiled, imagining Mylo, with a group of children, trying to recall a story I told him, messing up cutely on the words. I then showed him the kitchen, which he seemed accustomed to, as the royal chef Clare, said," Mylo! No stealing the fish, I have to save that for the..Oh, your highness, I didn't see you there." Clare paled, as she paid full attention to me. I said," So Mylo, I see you have friends in the palace, I'm not even slightly surprised.." Mylo giggled, and waved at Clare, before following me into the hallway, I couldn't think of anywhere else to show him, as he already knows where my office is, so I decided to take him to my room. Mylo said, in awe," Wow.. It's so pretty. Is this what all the rooms look like?" I chuckled at his awed face.


The library was massive, the whole palace was aw inspiring. This room though was like the icing on the cake, his scent was all over the place, a calm nature breeze scent, they were so many pictures of him and his family, on the bedside table. His room is really clean, probably from the maids? Princes have maids right? Oh, no.. what If they aren't called maids, but then what would they be called? Butlers? Probably? Any way, It was decorated with a bunch of paintings that seemed to blend into the wall. All in all it looked really pretty, and was vastly decorated compared to my bedroom. I wonder why he needed all this stuff, but decided not to ask. The royal family is rich, of course they'd be able to buy that much stuff...I need to stop forgetting that August is a prince. He's a prince! He's....a prince? I unknowingly frowned at the thought, maybe it was because I doubted that he'd pick me..I'm only a thief... No, Mylo. You can't lose hope. After all these months, he's still seeing you. He even let you in his room.. I tried and was succeeding to bring myself up, when suddenly I was interrupted by August's voice," So now that we're here, what should we do now?" My heart skipped a beat, Is he suggesting that we mate? No, no, no. That can't be it, I'm just over assuming things, cause we're in his bedroom. A really intimate place to be in. Yeah...That must just be my frenzy going a whir. August said, concerned and suddenly right in front of me," Are you okay, kitty?"Hurry brain, think! I nodded, and said," Yeah, I'm fine.. Sorry. You know I was only joking about the whole not wanting you to kiss people thing, you can kiss whoever you like.. I-i r-really don't c-care." August said, in a serious tone," So if I just walked out and kissed someone in front of you, you wouldn't care?" My response was automatic, not giving me time to contradict myself," I'd care..A little bit..Maybe." The truth was whenever I am away from him, I lose a lot of my strength as mates are suppose to be around each other, but as August and I haven't completed the bond, it is only one sided with me as the victim. There are some instances where I can't even move my legs, but as long as August is happy, then that's all that should matter. He's a prince, he's going to be looking after a whole kingdom eventually. A miserable prince, would turn into a miserable king. How would a miserable king be able to grant others happiness when they are not happy, themselves?

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