Chapter 9

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This whole entire situation to me, was unreal, I had a feeling of awe as I walked into the resturant, everything looked really pretty. There was no doubt in my mind that if I was here alone they would kick me out for sure. After all, I didn't look as well dressed as everyone else. I tried keeping in my fear of the place. I wonder what he ordered for me, hopefully it wasn't too expensive. I sighed, as I recalled that since meeting August, and having to go to so many places, though most were unexpensive, still hampered my way of getting that bell. I really want to make it into a necklace,but.. I sighed again, as I shook the thought out of my head. August said," Don't worry, about the price. I took you here, so it's my treat." I said," B-but.." Before I could even utter another word, he said, thoughtfully," You know, this is like a date. Fancy resturant, me ordering for you, I might as well pay for everything, like the gentleman I am. I mean, unless you don't like the date, I planned out." Now talking more to himself, yet in a volume I can hear," I go through the trouble of registering a table, and Mylo doesn't even like the whole date, I planned." The slight sadness in his tone was enough for me to give in, as I said," When you put it like that, how could I not let you pay. I feel bad though, it must cost a lot." August laughed and said," Nonsense, if I wasn't prepared to handle the prices, then I wouldn't have taken us here. I swear you worry about money too much, not that I blame you, I just wish you'd let me pay for our outings more." A frown appeared on his face, as August turned up toward me. He shook his head, and with a slight smile said," How about this when I choose the place we go, then I get to pay for it, when you choose, from time to time, you'll pay for it." I frowned, but could not utter a retort, as the women appeared, with our food. She said, cheerfully," Here you are, sirs." Wow, fish and chips. My favorite. I smiled up at August as I said," Thanks, August." August chuckled and said, admirably, " Your love of fish never changes." I nodded, as I dug into my fish and chips with a content smile on my face. Realizing where our conversation was before the waiter came, I said," August?" He looked up from his plate over to me, then I continued," Maybe we shouldn't go out so much." He asked," What do you mean? ...Do you not want to hang out any more?" I shook my head as my hands moved in a no motion, as I said," No, no, no. I'm saying that, maybe we should hang out at our houses..U-unless you don't want t-to then w-we can j-just.." August grabbed my chin and lifted my head, as he said," I'd like that." I stared into his aquatic blue eyes, as I excitedly exclaimed," Really?" August, instead of answering, kissed me. If it was even possible, this one was better than the first. The kiss started out really gentle, sweet, but turned slightly heated, upon my moan of pleasure. We were so into the kiss that somehow the plates were to the side of our table, as I was suddenly on his lap. Remembering we were in a fancy restaurant, as the plate creaked from shifting on the table. I separated the kiss, panting, with a blush across my face. We're in public. I buried my face into my hands. August chuckled as he whispered, in my ear," Sorry, I forgot about manners at the dinner table, when you were just so kissable and cute. It's really your fault." My blush reddened, by his words, I shuttered, hiding under his chin. "I-i'm not hungry anymore, maybe w-we should call it a night?" I felt the vibration of August's chest, as he chuckled again and said," Okay." August suddenly lifted me up, as he stood up, causing me to wrap my arms around his neck in order to not fall. I said, embarrassed," I can walk you know? No need to carry me." August smiled and said," I want to carry you though." I blushed, as I said," Please put me down. I'm gonna fall.." August said, with a smirk," I won't let you fall, but if you insist." He put me down, as I sighed, glad my feet were on the ground and that people would start looking away from us. I didn't like the eyes starring at us. "It is really late, I'll go and pay for the meal, I'll see you next Friday?" I nodded, as I headed out. I feel bad though, I should have at least paid a little bit of it..Though, I guess August knows what he's doing, it's not like I can change his mind... Just like how he thinks steak is better than fish. I chuckled at the memory, as I walked back home. I took a kind of roundabout route as I tried to calm my features, as the blush on my cheeks just didn't want to disappear. I opened the door to the hideout. A tall abandoned inn, that was separated from the market place that nobody used it, which is why it got abandoned, nobody ever comes over here, as there are a ton of other inns, far more closer to the main area. I entered, and heard Eve's voice," So out with that guy again? Where did you two go this time.? I want details, boy!" I yelled," Mommy Willow, Eve's being a overprotective father figure again..!!" Willow chuckled and said," You know, if you hadn't have kissed.." I turned over to her and said," I didn't kiss him, he kissed me! Besides, Willow, Eve creeps me out with know.." Willow nodded and said," That may be true, but as a Streetlord, she needs to know where everyone is and what they're doing.." Willow, why couldn't you be cool mom, and let me off the hook today?? Oh, wait..Is it because I got dizzy during that last fight.? That must be it, this is punishment. I sighed and turned over to Eve, having talked about the other dates that I had, I got this technic of handling the situation. Be as vague as possible, no matter how much Eve says," Is that all?" "Anything else?" I said," Well, we went out to a fancy restaurant, it was August's choice, as it was his turn to pick where we go for today. We chatted and stuff, the usual, and that's it." Leaving out the kiss, and him forgetting about me not being able to read, is probably the best thing. I usually leave out these details, and like always, she asked," Oh? What things did you chat about, was the food any good? He did feed you, didn't he?" I sighed and said," Momma bear, I can take care of myself, of course I got some food!" Now that I think about it, I only finished half of the fish before August and I got distracted... Oh no, that poor fish, not getting eaten fully.. I have committed the foulest of crimes, wasting food. I frowned, as I walked back to my room, which was really a shared room, Terra was already sleeping in there. Usually the girls were with other girls and guys were with other guys when sharing rooms, but Terra hates being in the same room as other girls, something about them being weaker than her, and not wanting to be grouped in the weak category.. I don't know, she said it like it made perfect sense to her though, so eh, can't comment. I changed into my pjs, the only other clothes that I have, and hopped into the other hay pile bed shape.

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