What the fuck am I even talking about?

His voice barely came out as a mumble. "Sebastian."

Sorta fitting.

"Do you plan in keeping me on this basement for a long time? Or did you just bring me here to wait for me to wake up from the cold or some shit?"

He shrugged.

Is he literally not sure on whether to keep a girl in a basement or in a room?

Woah. That's all. I literally have no more words to describe a reaction. Just Woah.

This whole situation seems, say it with me, cliché as fuck.

I'm literally thinking about every book and fanfiction I have read, and trust me, they're all good but are now making every second of my life sound like it's written on wattpad or some shit.

Who knows though.

I tried getting up, only to realize that my left wrist was cuffed to the wall. I glanced at Sebastian and waited to see if he had any key to unlock the cuff.

He basically did and let me fall on the floor because of how much I was trying to kinda rip my hand out of the cuff.

My wrist has another bruise because of my stupidity now. Fun.

Aa I slowly got up, my new kidnapper took my hand in his and began walking out of the basement door, and up some stairs.

Once we had succeeded in climbing the most hated things on earth, he let go of my hand, his warmth leaving it along with him, and let me examine the room.

It looked like any normal small room.

What did you expect it to be?

Some magical rainbows falling from the sky?

I wish.

While I began thinking about the sky being filled with so many colors that it could cause everyone to have a seizure, Sebastian dragged me over to a couch, sat me down and sat next to me after turning on the TV on some random channel.

I'm thinking about seizure rainbows at the moment though.


"What can I do in this place?"

Sebastian looked at the TV and shrugged, mumbling 'nothing, I guess' and flipping through the channels again.

This is worse than being a maid if I'd have to be honest.

It's not even as interesting as a book should be.

Sebastian also seems to not fully complete his plans.

But the boredom thing is something I can relate to. And if it means helping a fellow bored person goat horn guy thing, I'll help him.

Who knows, it might just get interesting enough for me not to die from being too bored.

Or maybe I'll get saved by my spaghetti noodles.

I don't even know what's going on, and don't wish to bother knowing at this point.

It's probably a dream I'll wake up from after I die or some shit.


I want to cry, I'm thinking about a fanfiction and oh my god the fucking ending was so sad that I cried my eye out for almost 5 hours straight what the fuck why did the character ignore the reader and lose his ability to see colors along with the reader again he's so fucking stupid I want to die-

I'm done rambling. I need hugs.

So I just hugged Sebastian and buried my face into his neck, pullover thing.

He's so warm. The warmth works perfectly well in contrast with his personality and his icy blue clothing.

I want to stay like this forever.

Fuck the noodles, if they come, they come. If not, I'm fine hugging this warm but mentally cold marshmallow.

Free cuddles.


Oof, an authors note at the end of a chapter? Has our writer evolved?


I'll just ask this.

Do you wish to see a drawing of mine of Sebastian in the next chapter as an idea of what he looks like?

If yes, just say so. It doesn't matter to me.

It won't be as bad as the Harry doodles, that I can promise you.

And just so you know, he's not some creepypasta OC or anything of the sort. He's a random character I made, and I just added him in here for no reason.

Call it being uncreative, because that's the most simple word that can describe this story's plot.

Anyway, I hope you liked this boring chapter, and that you're having a nice day or night, my sweet readers.

Eyeless Sockets [Creepypasta x Blind!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now