Wine, and words of lovers. (Chapter 13)

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Jack's P.O.V.

 Why is Alex here?

I shouldnt even be giving him any time at all.

We walked upstairs to see mama waving at us "Be home soon dear, its getting late. I have to go to bed now, but hopefully ill see you around Alex." "Yeah, you too." Alex smiled. We walked outside getting attacked by the cold Halloween air. The tension in the air made me just want to run back inside and forget about Alex, even thought that would be highly unlikely. We turned down a road we used to walk on when we were little, to a park. As we began approaching the park, Alex threw up, which was a lovely sight to see. "Jack?" Alex asked "What?" I responded coldly. Not only because its like 50 degrees out. We sat on the swings before he spoke up again. Words flooding out like he has been practicing them in his head all day.  "Im sorry, please forgive me. I just cant ditch Zack and RIan, i just cant. But i need you. I really do, I... I love you, Jack.." Alex whispered at the end. I simply stood up to get a closer look at him. "You cant do that Alex. You cant just mess up and pretend everythings fine, because its not. You need to learn that treating people like shit gets you no where. Espically if you "love" them." Adding the quotation marks to love with my hands. "But i do love you Jack! I do! Ever since we were little. Please forgive me.." He said standing up and walking closer to me "I love you..."  Alex whispered putting his face closer to mine so i reacted by pushing him away. I saw the hope in his eyes leave to be replaced by tears. "Im sorry..." Alex said, whimpering. "No, Alex. You cant just walk back into someones life and expect what you did to be forgiven. I have 2 broken ribs and multiple bruises. Keep your empty apologies." I shot back shaking my head. "You should get home now. Its way over 20 minutes. Ive given you enough time. I dont want to know you Alex. Not anymore." 

That wasnt true though. I would love Alex to be my bestfriend again, but i just i cant let it happen. 

"I cant go home Jack." 

"Yes you can Alex, come on" 

Alex sat back down on the swings, swinging back and forth with tears on his flushed cheeks.

"Im drunk, i cant walk all the way back home in the dark on Halloween." 

I sighed pulling him up by his arm. "You get the couch tonight."

This is going to be a long night.

A/N: Hey guys! I am SO sorry i havent been keeping up with this. If you guys want me to keep on doing this you should comment! I want to start it back up again, i have things planned soon, i hope you enjoy this chapter. (:

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