Funny how it rained all day (Chapter 3)

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Jack P.O.V.

Rummaging through my locker to get my backpack, I found something at the bottom of my locker. An old picture of me and Alex. How did this get in here? I did not have this with me when i left. Sighing i grabbed my backpack and walked down the hall. Suddenly i felt a raging pain in my jaw and i heard laughing. I heard a crack of my jaw and Alex kneed me in the stomach.  I had so many bruises that i looked like a swollen mess. Bleeding and recovering just enough to get up, i attempted to get back up and walk right out of school. Finally reaching my home, i looked around my house to find my dad, when i found him sickly smirking at me from the living room couch. "You're late Jacko. What did i tell you would happen if i catch you late?" My dad spat "But dad i --" I tried to get out when i was cut off by him saying "If you're late one more time, you'll get the beating you deserve. But for now, as i can see, you have already got a beating today. Props to whoever did that. You deserved it." My dad argued. Slowly i walked upstairs and layed on my bed. Staring at the celing above then looking around to stare at my band posters, Blink 182, Face to Face, Green Day, all my punk favorites. Man, i really want to be in a band. My eyes flickered twords the untouched guitar that i got the day Alex and I stopped talking. I thought for a minute before i walked over to pick it up. I know how to play guitar, i just use the other one my mom gave to me before she left.


Little 6 year old Jack entered his parents room to find his mother with a black eye and a suitcase open."Mommy?" Young Jack questioned "Yes dear?" My mother responded "Are you okay? Why are you packing a bag? Are you leaving?" Too many questions stormed through Jacks head. "Jack, dear, ill just be gone for a little while." Handing over a guitar that looked like the one Alex gave to him, but bigger.  "Here take this and play what i tought you. I know you can do wonderful things with that guitar." He recalled the events that happened over dinner. Such as when his mom fell holding his dads drink and accidently poured it onto him. The black eye is a result of that incident. Before he knew it his mom was crouching in front of him hugging him tightly. She whispered "Jack, i love you. Remember that. Even when times are rough. I will love you forever." She pulled back with a tear falling down her bruised face. Staring into her sons chocolate eyes as they watered as well. "I love you too mommy. Please dont leave for that long. I'll miss you." She let out a shaky laugh and got up to retrieve her bag. "Goodbye Jack." Was the last thing she ever said to him as she walked out that door.

Alex P.O.V.

Storming back into my house only to find my mom there faking a smile. "Oh hello Alexander. How was your day?" She questioned. I huffed in reply "Fine." As i opened the fridge, pulled out cold pizza and walked upstairs. Today sucked. It is weird having Jack in my classes. Shit i should probably call him to work on the project. Or i could just walk over since he lives across the street. Fuck it, I'll walk. Walking out my front door i saw jack through his window. Thats creepy Alex, stop watching him. I sighed and walked over knocking on the door. Shoving my hands back into my coat as if i never touched the door. I heard shuffling and then Jack's father came to the door. I coughed with the strong smell of Whiskey and quickly asked "Is Jack home?" His father sighed and pointed up the stairs. I thought for a moment before entering the house. I knew what room was his, at least if it still was. Apperently a lot can change in 6 years. His father never used to drink, what happened to his mom? I walked right up to the door before knocking. I heard rummaging and the sound of what appeared to be guitar stop and then he came to the door. His shocked face answered with a "What are you doing here?"

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