I've never told a lie and that makes me a liar (Chapter 4)

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Jack P.O.V.

My heart started racing as there was a knock at my door. Who even knocks anymore? I put the guitar down and walked up to the door. Alex was standing there. What the fuck? "What are you doing here?" is all i  could manage to get out. "We have to work on our project. But whatever if you're going to be a bitch about it then forget it." he argued "I never even said anything besides asking what you're doing here. Fine whatever come in." I moved over so he could come in. I closed the door and turned around to see Alex sitting on my bed staring at the guitar. He looked sad, or angry. Sometimes its impossible to read Alex. "I've already started working on the song.." I confessed. "Really? Cool. Im going to work on the music tonight. How are you?" Alex replied "I kinda really dont want you here." I said back "Whatever, fuck it. bye" Alex spat and walked out the door. I kind of feel bad. But he has made my life hell. He decides to stop talking to me, beats me up, and then decides to walk into my life like nothing happened? I dont think so. I sat back down on the bed as my eyes wondered to my dresser. I walked over and opened the bottom drawer to see the old scrapbook my mom made before she left. Theres pictures of me and Alex when we were little. There were pictures of me and Alex in the summer drenched when we decided to have a water ballon fight. My eyes started to water because i missed the old us. But i can't let him back in when hes just going to leave and hurt me again. Hes faking being nice to me to let him in. A tear rolled down my cheek as i let out a sob and held the picture to my chest. Why did i have to kiss him? Im so fucking stupid.


We laid out on towels in my back yard next to eachother staring at the summer sky. "Look Jack! That cloud is a puppy!" yound Alex exclaimed. "No it isnt! It looks like a dragon!" Young Jack protested. Suddenly Jack's eyes landed on a bucket of water balloons they made as he got up and ran to them. He yelled "WATER BALLON FIGHT!" as he threw a yellow one at Alex. Alex looked shocked as he ran over and took one and threw it at Jack, When it landed on Jack's face they bursted with laughter. Of course Jack had to get his revenge, so they threw them at eachother for nearly an hour. When they were done and drenched and smiling like fools Jacks mom noticed and ran out with a camera and snapped a photo. That was the start of an amazing summer.

Alex P.O.V.

Well that was fucked. Walking into Jack's room after 6 years was a throwback trip. I sat on the corner of his bed as i looked at his guitar and wow it reminded me of the old us. When he told me he didnt want me there i felt angry so i snapped at him and walked out. Now here i am. Laying on my bed as a buzzing noice comes from my table next to my bed. Oh it's just my phone. "Hello?" I asked. "Hey man. It's Zack." Zack is one of my best friends. Hes the other main guys in my group of people that hate Jack. We hate him- Well they hate him because he is gay. And he always dresses like a fag, as my friends say. I dont know if i hate him anymore. "So, we have noticed something. We feel like you're getting soft. Well, we think we should beat up Jack more. He's just a stupid faggot. So were planning an attack. Were going to jump him after school Friday. That gives us four days. Alright?" I wanted to protest on how thats so wrong, but i didnt. It's too risky. "Yeah sure, come over on Thursday so we can plan." I said in reply. "Alright man. Bye" Zack said back. "Well this is shit." I sighed and layed back on my bed. 

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