Real life just isn't right (Chapter 1)

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"Alex! Stop tickling me!" Jack Barakat struggled a laugh. Alex Gaskarth stopped tickling his friend only to sit up next to him. They were currently in their tree house. In their tree house they sit and talk for hours. They have always been childhood friends, all the way back until 3rd grade. When Alex moved from England and had no one. But of course Jack, decided to take him in and be his friend. "Ah Jack, Happy Birthday. Its weird to think we are almost middle schoolers. Then we are with the big dogs, high school." Alex giggled shuffling in his bag reaching for a huge poorly wrapped item "Here. I know you love music and i have one of my own." He handed over a black acoustic guitar. Jack wipped the tears from his face and hugged him. "Thank you thank you thank you Alex!" Alex embraced his friend and felt the wet stains on his shirt. Jack pulled away to look at his friend, when he firmly pressed his lips to his friends. Alex pressed back to his own supprise. 'No no no' alex thought, 'this isnt right. My heart shouldnt be racing like this. Jacks my friend.' Thats when his own tears decided to fall. Jack noticed and pulled their non-moving lips away from eachother. "Hey Alex? Alex why are you crying?" Alex just sat there, pushed the guitar twords Jack. Stood up, and climbed down the tree. He took his bicycle and rode back to his house. He knew he needed time away from Jack. He didnt want to have to see him, no such luck when you are neighbors. Alex jumped off his bike and ran into his house, and went dramatically into his room. Despite his mother's protests for him to join dinner. He layed there for awhile then decided to roll over and check the time. 2:00 am. "What is happening? Does he like me? DO I like him?" Alex asked himself while pacing around his room. Debating where to go in his house. He settled for the bathrooom. "My dad would never allow me to like guys. Ever." Alex talked to himself while looking at his reddend face with tears still falling. Ever since Alex moved to America  his only real friend was Jack, and now, he has no one. "Dont be silly Alex, Jack was just kidding. He always fools around. He didnt mean it. Of course he doesnt like you." He motivated himself to brush his teeth and lay in bed watching tv for awhile. Thats when it struck him.

It isnt the fact that Jack might like him, its the fact he likes jack.

Alex P.O.V.

Current Day

"Fuck this. Fuck school. Why waste another year of my life in high school? Fuck junior year." I groaned as I sat up. Head spinning and everything. Note to self: Stop drinking so much vodka. Wait, fuck that rule too, drink all the vodka I can. "Alex?" My mom knocked "Mhhmmm?" I managed to get out, eyes still adjusting to the Baltimore sunrise. "Its 7:00, school starts at 7:45, and you cannot miss the first day of school. You hear me boy?" She questioned "Mhhmmm mom, i got it." I said to her, hearing an "Okay" and feet shuffling away. Getting out of bed to go take a shower, I looked in the mirror and man do I have a bad case of bedhead. I sighed and grabbed the brush from the counter and began brushing and styling. Ouch Ouch Ouch. Its a fuck everything kind of morning. Summers gone, which means no constant parties. Im the "disrespectful" guy of the school. "Alex Gaskarth, worlds biggest douche" Should be put in lights somewhere in the school. I took my shower and managed to find some clean clothes. Band tee with some skinny jeans, typical. Checked the clock again. 7:30. shit. It takes 20 minutes to get there. Whatever, hell if i care. I grabbed my bag, headphones and phone, and departed my room. "Alex! Arent you going to come sit with me and join me for breakfast?" "Can't. Its 7:30." I stated. "Then on with it boy!" She rushed up  from the table, took my arm and pushed me out the front door. Which closed with a thud. Off to school then. Joy.

Jack P.O.V. 

"You waste of space! Get up! School time! You have ten minutes! Dont you dare be late!" My father stormed into my room booming. Already smelling of Whiskey and cigarettes. I sat up quickly to face him. "Yes sir." I gulped "Good." he huffed and walked out. Sighing I got up and found a torn shirt, which only had a hole on the bottom. Eh, good enough. Put on my ripped skinny jeans and my hoodie, and walked into the bathroom to brush my hair. Shit. I have a bruise on my cheek from my slap yesterday for breaking a plate. Sighing, I pulled my hairbrush from the cabinet and brushed my skunk hair. When I was done I slipped into my room. Hearing the roar of television downstairs. My dads usual routine. Get up, get whiskey, sit and watch tv, then leave for hours, if not days. I grabbed my backpack, ipod and phone, and was on my way to hell. 

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