Do it for me (Chapter 11)

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Jack P.O.V.

It's different, not being in the house i grew up in. I havent been to my grandmas house in years and now im suddenly living here? It's halloween. Alex's favorite holiday. We used to go dressed up as Peter Pan and Hook. We would take turns each year being one of them. Our parents got sick of the idea even though every year, we still had a blast walking around the streets of suburban Baltimore.. Even though one year, we decided that maybe we should keep the trick or treating to the little kids.


"Come on Alex! This is the Redolphi's! They give out the biggest candy bars. We have to go!" Young Jack pleaded. " Alright, let's go." Alex agreed. They walked up the street to see that the Redolphi's were having a haunted house. Alex didn't know if it was the chilly October air or his nerves that gave him goosebumps, but he changed his mind about going. Alex shook his head and looked at Jack. 'No, they have a haunted house this year. We can't go." Alex began as Jack cut him off "No Alex! Come on! You have to! Please?" Jack pouted. "Fine ugh Jack, why do you do this to me?" Alex groaned as they began walking. It was probably around 11 at night, and having 2 ten year olds going trick of treating isn't probably the best idea. Especially not with Jack's stories he loved to tell Alex. As they were walking Jack began to tell a story. "Alex, did you hear the story of Red Hill? You know over by the lake by the park? Well two boys were murdered there. On Halloween night." Jack began to tell his tale when they saw an older group of boys down the street in front of the Redolphi's. "Oh no. The hunters." Alex said in a breathless whisper. The hunters are a group of boys who think its fun to beat up little boys on Halloween night. Of course Jack and Alex didn't want to get beat up, so they ran away from the boys who werent very far away. But with their luck? The hunters saw them and began chasing them. Jack's heartbeat was racing as he grabbed Alex and ran all the way to the park that he was talking about earlier in the tale.  Alex stopped in his tracks. "No. Not the park." He protested with a shaky voice. "Alex! We have to! They will be here any minute! Our houses are five blocks away. We can't run all that!" Jack frantically explained "But Jack, the boys who got murdered! What if that happens to us?" Alex asked. But before Jack could respond there was laughter from behind them. They  turned around to see the group of the 5 hunters with a carton of eggs. "Haha, you thought you could outrun us? Little twirps!" The biggest one laughed.  Jack just grabbed Alex's hand. Because they were going to do this together. The biggest one spoke up again. "Aw look at them, in love. I guess the fags are starting out early now." He laughed. Alex just removed his hand from Jack's grip. Jack looked over to his best friend confused as he got an egg right to the chest. Thats when they all started throwing eggs at the two boys. When the hunters decided they had enough they left, but not without kicking Jack and Alex. The two got up and began the journey home. Jack had enough of the silence between them and even though he didn't understand why Alex removed his hand from Jacks, he began another story. "Did you hear the story about the two girls that wore red?" Jack continued his stories all the way home.

So here Jack was. Laying on his bed, trying to forget alex. Even though everytime he moves the aching pain in his body doesn't replace the one that is in his heart. Because Alex caused both of them. Jack got up slowly and got his guitar. One of the only thing he brought besides clothes to his grandmas. He began stumming and humming, remembering the project that he had to do with Alex. Well now Alex had to do it alone. Jack began humming the words he wrote that he thought was a good song to play. " Hey there it's good to see you again, It never felt like keeping this just friends, I'm happy, if youre happy with yourself-" He sang the song he wrote for Alex, even though he will never hear it. He's always wanted to be in a band even though he thinks hes not talented enough. The door bell just kept ringing and ringing. It's getting late now so hopefully it will stop. Footsteps came downstairs as i saw my little grandma at my door. "Jack honey? Someone is here to see you." She stepped aside to see a drunken Alex waving. Oh great.

 A/N: Hey guys. I broke my finger! ): So im sorry if theres many grammatical errors. Or if i dont update often. Hope you guys enjoy this story!

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