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TITLE: Penelope *
SEASON: pre 1 - 1
OC NAME: Penelope Wilhern and Max/Johnny Abrams
FACE CLAIM: Cristinia Ricci and James Mcavoy

TITLE: Penelope *SEASON: pre 1 - 1 LOVE INTEREST: oc x ocOC NAME: Penelope Wilhern and Max/Johnny AbramsFACE CLAIM: Cristinia Ricci and James Mcavoy

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"I happen to like myself the way I am."


Penelope Wilhern wasn't always born with the snout of a pig, in fact, she used to be a very normal girl until her twelfth birthday when she was kidnapped and taken to a laboratory to be experimented on.

There, they called her four, but Penelope never forgot her real name and she held onto it like her life depended on it. After all, since an experiment gone wrong had replaced Penelope's face with that of a pig's, her name was the only thing pertaining to her old self.

Years passed and Penelope's powers flourished, but to the girl, no amount of power could make her feel any better about the face she was burdened with. She would constantly remind herself that it wasn't her face, it was the experiments that made her that way, and she truly was beautiful underneath, but she never really believed it.

Around the same time Penelope entered her twenties, Hawkins Laboratory was attacked from an inside source which allowed Penelope to escape her own personal hell and finally return home.

After a week of searching for her parents and hiding from her captors, Penelope finally tracked down her parents, but they weren't as happy to see their new daughter as she expected them to be. Turned out, having the snout of a pig and freaky powers weren't exactly what her parents had in mind when they finally got their daughter back.

Her parents, especially her mother, tried their best to get their family back to normal, but the missing years were always a reminder Penelope Wilhern was not normal anymore.

In a desperate attempt to get her daughter back to her old self, Penelope's mother searched for a tutor willing to keep the family's secret. However, for years, she had no luck and every possible tutor turned her away because of the face she wore. One tutor went against his agreement and told the entire town about the pig-nosed girl on Prairie Ave * which caught the attention of Hawkins Laboratory.

When they heard of the news, the Laboratory, instructed an agent to prose as a tutor and safely retrieve experiment 004; however, complications arose when he began to fall in love with Penelope and he was forced to choose between his head or his heart while she made a bid for her freedom.


- don't ask for the plot if you haven't seen the movie.

- this is loosely based on the movie penelope, but it's very very very different in certain aspects.

- my idea was penelope's mother was experimented on when she was pregnant, but she didn't know (she thought it was just a test for a new beauty product or something). so when penelope was born, she was born with powers but the lab didn't know her mother had had a child until penelope was 12. when they find out, they kidnap her and take her to hawkins lab. there, she is experimented on, but an experiment goes wrong and turns her nose into that resembling a pig (her appearance isn't as straightforward as in the movie, but the experiment deformed her face and she has features that resemble a pig).

- when she is in her early twenties, a high up agent in the lab, rigs the system one day which allows for penelope to escape (i assume eight would have escaped at this time as well). later it will be revealed that the worker was Max/Johnny's dad.  they also killed max/johnny's dad because of what he did.

- when she goes back home, her mother reacts the worst and constantly tries to get her back to normal or at least be the closest to normal. she knows she can't let her go in the public for two reasons: the lab finding her and her face.

- since penelope has missed all this time by being in the lab, her mother tries to hire a tutor to teach her the education she missed. (this is one of her mother's attempts to get penelope back to normal)

- no tutors want to tutor her, because they can't bear being in the same room as someone as "hideous" as her.

- like in the movie, one of the tutors starts to tell the whole town what he saw but he lies and makes penelope seem like this hideous monster when she's not. the lab catches word of this and decide to send an agent working for the lab/government to prose as a tutor and eventually safely get penelope back to the lab for more experiments.

- the agent is max/johnny and they send him because he was the only one that wanted to prove himself (he's been trying to prove he isn't like his father for all his career) and he has a background of teaching. he's also very empathetic which is why he starts to feel for penelope and ultimately begin to change.

- at first max/johnny is purely only there to prove he is not like his father and won't betray the lab/government like his father did. overtime, through their lessons, he starts to see penelope as a scared young woman and he starts to see all her little quirks and eventually falls in love with her.

- he helps her escape from her house to explore the world she has missed out on. this brings them into the plot of the first season and gets them involved with finding will.

- penelope wants to find will, because she knows what it's like to be a prisoner to the demogorgon and the government.

- in the end, you can have max/johnny sacrifice himself to save penelope from the government and the people who turned her into a "monster." or you can have them both live and be together.

- penelope has to accept herself at the end of the book since this story is focused on self acceptance.

- i feel like i left out a lot or made this super confusing, so pm me on -brxvehearts if you have any questions!

( plot by liv! )

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