Chapter 45 - Ending

Start from the beginning

It took only a few minutes for me to finally get onto a train and head to Crocus. I was fiddling with my fingers as I waited and waited in the train.

That felt like the longest train ride I had in my life.

As I arrived in Crocus, I rushed to get onto a Magic Cab to the Crocus Hospital.

When I got there, I quickly indentified myself as Sting Eucliffe and headed into Lucy's hospital room. Surprisingly, I memorised the route to her room. Yep, I sound like an official stalker.

We were outside her door, I was ready to see her again.

"Are you ready?" Said the nurse. She was holding the door knob.

I nodded.

My heart was throbbing.

She smiled and finally opened the door. It revealed Lucy and...

A familiar pinkette...

"Oh hey bro!" The pinkette smiled, he gestured his hands for me to come in.

My hands were shaking now, my heart no longer throbbing.

"Natsu...why?" I grumbled before smiling.

I walked in, looking at the pinkette before sitting beside Lucy.

"Sting, I swear there's nothing going on, okay?" Lucy quickly stated.

I nodded. "Don't worry, I don't mind." I said glumly.

Those words felt like knives piercing through my heart.

"Natsu," Lucy turned to Natsu.

Natsu nodded. "Well!" He stood up, stretching his arms out behind him. "I'll leave you two be then!" He grinned.

I stared at him as he stood up, leaving the room. He slammed the door behind him as Lucy's attention turned to me.

"Lucy, what's going on?"

Lucy shook her head and smiled. Tears were rolling down her face. "No, nothing..."

I raised a brow and shook my head. "You can tell me."

"I'm fine, Sting."

"No, you are not fine." I responded. I quickly leaned over her, causing her to fall back onto the bed.

"Sting...I-" she blushed.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything," I reassured her. I was huffing, my face felt red too.

"Sting," Lucy huffed. "This wasn't meant to happen...I-"

I put my finger over her mouth and chuckled. "Don't worry about it. I won't take it seriously."

"Sting...I wanted to tell you this face to face..."

I stopped and took a moment to look at her eyes. Her eyes were filling with water. Her face was red. I took that she didn't want to do anything so I laid off and backed away, sitting back down on my seat.

"What did you want to say?" I asked, fiddling with my fingers.

She smiled. "Nothing, I just wanted to do this..."

She didn't hesitate. She grabbed me gently by the chin, pulled me closer and placed her lips on mine.

My eyes widened as I felt her lips purse against mine. My heart was beating like it had never before and everything went silent.

We were kissing for a solid ten seconds. She pulled away shortly after.

"I'm sorry! I just couldn't-!"

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