Chapter 31 - Truth

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Third Person P.O.V

"That's something I could be asked to do by Lady Heartfilia, human. Lady Heartfilia's will is ours, only Zeref can overcome the will of our lady." Said the gold horned woman.

Lucy frowned, "don't hurt them. They're my friends."

The demon looked at her and nodded. "As you wish," Seilah responded.

"Hey Luna...could you tell us why you summoned your demon here?" Sting curiously asked. I sighed and just smiled.

"Well...I didn't summon her, she came her by her own will."

Seilah stood up and looked at all of us one by one. "The cat Lavendar, she does not appear to be here. I cannot sense her power," Seilah said. "I suggest for you to stay away from the cat, she is dangerous."

"Hey! Tell us why Lavendar's dangerous and all...she's a good friend!" Sting interjected. Rogue nodded in agreement.

"Frosch thinks so too!"

Seilah glared at them. "You have no right to be questioning me," she hissed.

She looked back towards her master, Lucy. "Lady Heartfilia, what do you desire? Shall I tell you my thoughts and how to approach this situation?"

Lucy nodded. "Anything you can, please."

"The cat is not an exceed. It is a demon." Seilah quickly said. Everyone's eyes went blank, Lucy's especially.

"What?!" Lucy shrieked, "how is that possible?!"

"The world is not a nice place, it's a deceiver to all who live on it." Seilah nonchalantly implied. "The cat is a demon created by an unknown source that I cannot identify. It's motives are wavering between two options of killing you and letting you live."

Rogue perked up, causing everyone to gain his attention. "How do we know that what this demon is saying is true?" He asked, Sting nodded.

"Rogue's right, we can't fully trust her. She's a demon too," Sting said seriously.

Minerva smirked. "You're as clueless as ever, Sting." She remarked. "The etherious demon cannot defy the commands of their master when in the form of keys."

"Sorry, m'lady..." Sting apologized.

"I'm afraid that's all I can share with you for the meanwhile. Goodbye."

With that, Seilah vanished into the air. There was a dark purple mist that came from where she stood.

"Let's keep an eye on Lavendar then," said Minerva. "I hope you all will find something out."

"But where is she?" Rogue asked. Lucy shrugged accompanied with an I don't know expression.

"She should be at the magic games so let's wait for the meanwhile," Yukino suggested. Everybody nodded as we all waited.

~ Lavendar P.O.V ~

"I need to talk to the dragon slayer," I said to the master of Fairy Tail. "Now, please."

"Lucy was just here, why not come with her?" Makarov asked again. I gritted my teeth impatiently.

"Just hurry up and let me in!" I scowled. The master jumped before nodding.

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