Chapter 15 - Clover Town

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Lucy P.O.V

"A dragon?!" Natsu choked with a small voice crack, Happy looking curious as well. I just listened to the master, since I couldn't really interfere. Natsu was just shouting like a madman.

"Yes, a dragon," the master lowered his head. A dragon? No way, they all disappeared...there's no way a dragon could just appear from thin air! No wait, this can't be...


I heard Lavendar's voice echo through my head, she's using telepathy.

Lavendar, do you know anything about this?

It used to be a dragon slayer, Lucy

What do you mean?

It transformed into a dragon, that's about all you need to know


You'll find out for yourself, Lucy

I sighed at the sound of that, so I just obediently nodded. But what does she mean? Dragon slayer? Can dragon slayers really turn into dragons?

"Hey Luna, you in there?" I heard, seeing a hand wave in front of me. "We're leaving for Clover Town now!" Natsu smiled. "I hope he knows where Igneel is!" He added on, cheerfully putting his hands on his head while walking with Happy.

Reaching the train, the dragon slayers had motion sickness, on the "monstrous" vehicle they rode, aside from Lucy of course.

A Few Hours Later...

"Yes! Sun!" Natsu yelled in victorious, smiling as he turned to the others. Erza chuckled to herself. "A dragon huh?" Erza looked down at the job request, "let's hurry up. We don't have the luxury to be dawdling," she clarified before walking. I just followed behind her, with Lavendar on my shoulder.

"Lavendar, could you turn into a human? My shoulder's beginning to feel sore," I said to her as she jumped off. "You complain too much!" She complaint, before her body emerged into her human form. "So picky..." she muttered under her breath, although I head her I just ignored her.

"Thanks," I chuckled as I continued walking. "L-Luna..." I heard a small voice, I peered down and noticed a small Wendy and Carla. I didn't say anything, I just looked down at her. "It's a dragon, right?" Wendy asked, I nodded in response. "I don't know the details," I murmured as I continued walking.

"Here we are," Erza immediately said as we arrived at a gaping hole. "Woah!" The blue cat exclaimed in shock. "It's massive!" Happy stated the obvious. "Obviously, it was a dragon." I deadpanned him, Wendy looking at me. "That's insane!" Gray quickly blurted out, "and you were all raised by one?" He looked at Wendy, Natsu and I, one by one.

"Is that a problem?" I furrowed my eyes at Gray, meeting his gaze, seeing him shiver. "There's no time to be bickering!" Erza sighed as she facepalmed, "we have to find this dragon. That's our first prior—" before saying anything else, she noticed Happy and Natsu disappeared. Her expression turning blank before a tick mark formed on her forehead. "Those idiots!" She yelled.

"Eep!" Wendy squeaked, "s-she's mad now!"

"AHHH!!!" Screams were echoing as I turned around, seeing Natsu and Happy being chased by what looked like, a dragon?!

"Fire dragon iron fist!" Natsu yelled, fires burning in his hand as he punched the dragon. Smoke emmitted, but it barely even injured the dragon, it's scales just healed up. "Moron," the dragon's deep voice was fuming throughout Clover Town. There were screams everywhere.

"Natsu! That idiot!" Gray gritted his teeth before stripping his clothes off, charging at the dragon. "Ice make hammer!" He screamed, putting his hands together as ice appeared, forming a hammer as he pounded the dragon. Once again, there was a small scratch that healed up, almost immediately. "How foolish," the dragon muttered.

"Gray!" Erza yelled, "heaven's wheel!" She shouted, requipping as a bunch of magic swords appeared. "Dance my blades!" She commanded the swords, as they charged at the dragon, scratching the dragon just that bit. Her jaw dropping. "Is this a dragon?!" Erza thought to herself.

I sighed, this isn't gonna get anywhere. I covered my mouth, seeing Lavendar look up at me. "Hurry up Lucy! Help your friends will you?!" Lavendar screamed, instinctively calling my name. I placed my hands to my side as I grabbed a few of my celestial keys, finally understanding the situation at hand.

"I open thee!" I started out, gulping. "Gate of the Ram, Scorpion, Lion and Twins!" I called out. "Aries! Scorpio! Leo! Gemini!" I yelled, a huge yellow magic circle appearing before me. The spirits appeared as they all smiled at me. "Scorpio, Aries! Fuse your magic together while Leo, go help Natsu and Gemini! Transform into me," I commanded. They nodded.

The Gemini twins spun together in a circle as they transformed into me. I smirked, "you're going down!"


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