Chapter 26 - Strange Keys

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Lucy P.O.V

Strange, I don't remember buying something? A gift? No, I don't know anyone who would send me a gift...

I searched around the small container to see if there was some sort of address. Sadly, I found nothing. I found a card though that showed who it was to and some sort of note?  All it said was;

To: Lucy (Luna) Heartfilia
For being so grateful to me, I lend you these to use in battle, you are a talented celestial wizard after all. There are instructions on how to use them so don't worry. You may know me, may not, however, you will know me soon enough. Does that help clarify? I hope it does.

I opened the box in curiosity, a bright purple light emanating from the box. "Gugh!" I yelled, my fingers felt hot all of a sudden as I dropped the box and landed on my backside.

"Ouch..." I murmured to myself, I quickly sat up, only to see the container opened. It revealed nine keys and a small piece of paper. The keys were designed in a very dark manner. They were all dark purple and had strange symbols on them, demon symbols.

I scurried to the container, grabbing the piece of paper. It had some writing on it, just like the card said. I touched it. "Ow!" I yelped. It electrocuted me.

"The nine demon gates from the book of Zeref, I believe you have battled them, Tartaros, am I correct?" A deep voice spoke, the voice of a man.

"H-Huh?!" I gasped and scurried away, that was until I realised it was a voice recording. "Phew..." I smiled and sighed.

"Whether or not I am correct or not, it is important you have these keys. I would have been eradicated of this world by the time you receive this container," the voice added, it continued as if I said nothing.

"These demon keys work the same way as the celestial spirit keys do, though these demons are much harder to control. They are the demons from the former illegal guild, Tartaros," the voice added, the person cleared their throat.

"I resurrected them into keys in hope that it would help you, Lucy..." it said, I could hear it crying. "I'm sorry I couldn't make it in time, tell Dracul I'm sorry, retrieving these keys were much more important," his voice lowered.

"These keys costed my life, I put notes on the keys to tell you their capabilities. They take up a lot of magical power too so I only suggest for you to use these when your life is in danger, don't make my sacrifice go to waste, Lucy." It said sorrowfully.

"Another thing about these demon keys. They have a mind of their own, they will try to take over you if you ever grow weak. They also fight until they die as they have a regenerative system in the world of Zeref's books--" I heard the person coughing.

"Ugh...I don't have much more time..." they coughed, I heard him in agony. "I need to tell you this too..." he coughed. "You'll die if you--!"

The audio stopped. "Wait! I'll die if I what?!" I screamed as if he were right in front of me. I couldn't hear the man anymore. What? What did he mean by that?

"Lucy? Are you okay?" I heard a gentle voice call my name, it was Yukino. I turned around, nodding. I shouldn't tell them about these keys.

"What is this? It looks interesting," said Yukino, she knelt down and touched one. "Ouch!" She squealed, her finger looked a bit burnt. I stared in shock. "Y-Yukino?" I stuttered, I was shocked. H-How did that sting her?!

"Ah...maybe I shouldn't have touched it..." she said, nervously laughing.

"Yukino, seriously! Are you alright? This is my fault, I'm sorry, I should've said something! Is your finger alright?" I grabbed her wrist, looking at her finger, it looked really burnt.

"Urgh!" Yukino winced in pain, the others came rushing in.

"Yukino!" Sting and Rogue screamed, they quickly came to Yukino's side with Lucy. Sting stared blankly, the burn was turning into a dark purple! Like poison! Oh no!

"What happened to Yukino?!" Screamed Sting, he quickly turned to me. "What happened?! Tell us, Luna!"

"I-I-I...." I didn't have the courage to even speak, it was as if I was frozen in time. "S-She--I! I-I got this container...w-with these keys!" I grabbed the container, shoving it in Sting's face, he raised a brow.

"This isn't right..." Rogue nonchalantly said while Frosch nodded in agreement.

"Whatever happened to Yukino, we gotta get to the bottom of this!" Lector burst, he looked determined.

"No, none of that is needed," said Minerva, she grinned. "It seems it wasn't just a rumor..." she muttered.

"Rumor?!" Sting's eyes sparked up, he charged up to Minerva and gripped onto her shirt.

"Sting! No!" I yelled, my eyes watering.

"Did you know about this in any way?!" Sting held onto her shirt, angered.

Minerva smiled in amusement, "I had no idea Yukino would touch these, don't assume anything, Sting." She clarified. "These keys are holding the members of the dark guild, Tartaros. I was told by Silver that if one were to forge the members of Tartaros into keys, it would cost them their lives," she stated.

"Do these keys really hold those demons in them?!" Rogue spouted, he looked down at Yukino to see if she was okay. I broke down onto my knees, I covered my mouth.

"I-I'm sorry...this is all my fault...I could've stopped her..." I cried.

Yukino was gritting her teeth, it was as if something was trying to consume her. "Gah!!" She winced in pain. I covered my ears and cried.

"The blacksmith who forges these monsters into keys, they decide the owner of the keys. Any other person touching these forbidden keys gets poisoned by a dangerous venom, only the one owning the keys can save them. She won't die, as long as you are the owner, you can save her by chanting a spell here." She remarked tediously.

"Wow! M'lady sure knows her stuff! Amirite?" Lector beamed, Frosch nodded in agreement. "Frosch thinks so too!" Frosch said happily.

"That's...a lot to take in..." I responded, dumbfounded. I looked down at Yukino, she was suffering, I had no choice. "Tell me," I stood up, wiping away my tears. "Tell me the spell, please.." my eyes met hers as she glared, it felt like a spear piercing through me.

"It is at the cost of one of the demon keys, you have to destroy one of them to bring Yukino back. Which will it be, Luna?" She snickered, holding her hand on her waist. "Not like it would matter which you choose," she said monotonously.


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