Chapter 10 - Into Magnolia

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"Lucy! You can't just--!" Sting's mouth was covered by a certain exceed as she glared at him, reminding him about her nickname. He grabbed her paw before shouting "Luna! But we want to settle it this way!"

The dirty blonde sighed as she pointed at the Sting. "Are you looking at yourself?! With those injuries I won't let you! I can't let you be harmed Sting." The blondie explained before walking away.

It was true though. Sting's legs were covered in bandages with one long bandage on the top of his forehead.

Minerva looked at Sting before turning away. "I refuse to fight a heavily injured comrade" she stated. "I agree with Luna, we should call off this battle and settle this with a vote."

"Minerva?!" Sting looked to Rogue "don't tell me you agree with Lunatic?!"

Sting felt hostility coming from Lucy as a tick mark formed on her forehead. "What did you call me?!" She yelled in anger before thrashing her whip.

"Eeep!" Sting screamed, "I'm sorry!" He yelled.


The day after the next day the votes were all completed as the new guild master was selected.

"Sting Eucliffe is our new guild master!" Lucy smiled before patting Sting on the back, giving him a thumbs up. "Well done!" Lucy complimented, having a tint of blush on her face. "See? You really didn't have to fight after all!"

Minerva lowered her head as she watched Lucy compliment Sting.

"Hey hey, you aren't so bad either Min" Lucy giggled as she patted Minerva on the back "cheer up a lil would ya?"

Minerva smiled at the sounds of that as she walked up to Sting, bowing. "Congratulations, Master Sting."

"M'lady!" Sting looked down at her as he broke a sweat, laughing. "You don't have to be so formal m'lady!"

Minerva laughed. "M'lady" she retorted before cracking up. "Sting, isn't that a bit too formal as well?" Minerva added as she stopped laughing. Lucy just giggled at the two of them as Rogue stepped in.

"We need to get to Fairy Tail, asap!" Rogue reminded them "I packed all your things because I knew you would all get distracted."

"Frosch too!" Frosch carried a small luggage carry, smiling at Rogue. Rogue gave a warm smile back. "Let's go to Magnolia now, let's go Yukino!" He turned to a certain white haired mage as she hesitantly nodded.

"U-Um Luc--no, Luna!" Yukino held her hand out, "it's been awhile" she smiled.

"Yukino!" Lucy grinned before shaking her hand. "It's been forever! Why didn't you tell me you were here?"

Yukino turned back as she started blushing. "Y-You never noticed me..." she muttered under her breath before turning back around, giggling. "You're so oblivious" Yukino giggled, "now! Let's go to Magnolia everyone!"


Upon arriving on the train, the two dragon slayers started puking out cookies as Lucy giggled.

" Luna! I'm sorry I get so mixed up!" Yukino held her cheeks as they burned up, hot red. "But Luna...I noticed you have dragon slaying magic.." Yukino commented, before taking a packet of pocky out from her bag.

"Oh, that, I knew you would probably question it." Lucy placed her hands on her lap. "I was given a dragon lacrima by Lavendar, I'm not so sure about everything else. I just trained for the last seven years." She explained.

"Lucy--Luna!" Lavendar blushed as she yelled her name out.

"Ehehe~don't worry Lavendar-chan. I can keep a secret" Yukino placed her index finger on her lips as she smiled at the feline.

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