Chapter 18 - Train Hard!

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Third Person P.O.V

"You really are a horrible actor, Bora" the slayer had an unsettling grin plastered on his face as he looked at Lisanna. Lisanna jumped, seemingly fazed by the words of the slayer. "Say what?!" Natsu yelled in the defence of Lisanna, "who the hell's Bora?! This ain't Bora!" Natsu screamed.

The slayer in response, laughed. "Pssst! You're such a dork! You know that? Dragneel?" He cackled, mocking Natsu. Lisanna stood there, innocently. "Tch..." Gray muttered under his breath, his attention facing to Lisanna. "What is the meaning of this?" Erza interjected, pointing her sword to Lisanna.

"Who was Bora again..?" Natsu looked up, curiously. Happy facepalmed, "really Natsu? Remember that fake salamander back in Hargeon? Where we met Lucy!" Happy smiled, trying to get Natsu to remember. "Oh yeah! That guy!" Natsu jumped, Erza looking down at Lisanna as she pointed her sword.

"Lisanna, tell me he's lying..." Natsu had a change in tone, mustering up all his courage as he took a look at Lisanna. "She's dead! Remember?!" The slayer grinned mischieviously. "You all are such morons!" He pestered, Gray glaring at him as ice was forming in his hand. "Say that one more time!" Gray threatened him, the slayer had a sly grin.

"C'mon Bora, are you really gonna hide it any longer?" He smirked.

"Bwahahaha!" Lisanna cackled, her voice having an awful "glitch" type sound as she laughed. Soon enough, the Lisanna that was once there, faded into a muscular looking man. He cockily grinned. "I'm glad to have hit you fairies in a sore spot! But now I'm back!"

"Now I'm here for my revenge."

Back in Sabertooth...

"Luna!" A certain blond guy shrieked from the crowd, quickly jumping on top of Lucy. "Eep!" Lucy squeaked, stumbling as she fell from the jump of Sting. "Sting I think you went too far!" Lector appeared, smiling. "Frosch thinks so too!" Said Frosch, alongside Rogue. "Hm? Luna's back?" Rogue mumbled, seeing Luna as a small smile formed on his face.

"Geez! What will I do with you?" Lucy had a warm smile, pushing Sting over as she steadily stood up, brushing herself off. "We got so worried!" Sting complaint, "it's been two months! Did you finish the job?" His eyes spoke curosity, Lucy put her hand to her mouth, giggling. "Well, yeah!" Lucy shrieked in victorious, the guild cheering.

"Good job, Luna," Minerva appeared from the sidelines, congratulating Lucy. "Thanks Minerva!" Lucy thanked her, extremely grateful for her guild, Yukino was also beside her. "Speaking of which, we've already started the training for the Grand Magic Games in some months time." Sting stated, looking down to his buddy, Lector. "Yeah! You missed out a lot!" Lector exclaimed with his usual smile.

"Ahaha, I'm sure I'll be okay," Lucy turned to Lavendar, standing beside her. "Lavendar, how about teaching me some more of that slaying magic?" Lucy asked, as if she were begging her. "I'm glad you want to know, but don't use that technique ever again! Especially without my permission! Imbecile!" Lavendar croaked, crossing her arms. Lucy simply laughed.

"Sure thing!" Lucy held her hand out, going for a high five from her small buddy. "So childish..." Lavendar muttered before high fiving her. "Nice!" Sting complimented, looking to Rogue. "We'll be practicing then, Minerva and Yukino? You guys gonna practice too?" Sting directed to Minerva and Yukino. "Yeah sure!" They responded in unison. "Great, then it's settled. We'll meet back at the guild, train hard folks. The rest have already gone off, training" Sting implied. "Just us now, so let's go!"

A few months later...
Lucy P.O.V

"Water Dragon Roar!" I screamed, pouncing my attack on some very unlucky trees. "I open thee!—The gate of the water bearer!" I quickly yelled, twirling my key as I put it into the roar, Aquarius appearing. "Tch..." she sighed before performing an attack to make the roar even stronger.

"Lucy! Don't even try calling me for destroying petty trees!" Aquarius snarled, a tick mark on her face. "So scram!" She remarked as she faded. "Ugh, is that better Lavendar?" I panted, simply ignoring my undignified spirit, looking down to Lavendar who simply clapped. "Good job, you have finally mastered it!" She smiled. "It took me six years to get you to use Aether Slayer Magic and now a year and five months for water slaying magic..." Lavendar started off "good job! Adolescent!" She blurted my old nickname.

"Aww thank you," I giggled, "I take that as a compliment!" I remarked, "but wait, five months?! The guild! We have to go back!" I remembered, blurting out my thoughts from my head. "They'll be worried!" I frowned, but Lavendar was indifferent. Why is she so calm?

"Don't worry, we'll be heading back now—" she started, stopping in the midst of her sentence, looking at me with doubt. "Will you be able to use this water slaying magic? It was apart of your dragon lacrima, but I don't want to babysit you through in the infirmary for two whole months again!" She complained, I kind of chuckled at the sound of that. "Haha sure," I sarcastically responded, heading back to the guild.

Arriving at the guild, everyone was back. I guess Lavendar and I were the last ones, huh?

"Hey Lu! You're back!" Yukino exclaimed, a sweet smile on her face. "How was your training?" She immediately asked, I didn't know how to answer.

"Good," I said. "How about you—"

"Everyone!" I was rudely interrupted by the sounds of Sting's voice. "Oh. My. God..." I sighed, signaling to Yukino that we should talk later. "Everything is sorted as of now, subtitutes are—"

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