Mr Kingston's Roommate|29

ابدأ من البداية

"Mom, hey, how are you? I'm so sorry I didn't get your call today, my phone was off and I know you went through trouble having Erika get the message to me. B-but mom are you okay? Are you really sick?" 

"Oh Blake, my boy! I-I know you're busy with classes and everything, that's understandable. I just-your father and I wanted to let you know of the news we got today. I-I must say it's not delightful but you're our son and well Blake. . .today I got my test results back from the doctor's office. R-remember that test I did some time back? Well, it came back and I-I well, I've been diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer." 


I placed the sticky note onto the fridge, sighing under my breath as my eyes penetrated through it. I didn't have to go back home now, but anything could happen to my mom at any time, and god forbid if anything does happen to her and I never got to see her one last time, I'd drag that to my grave. 

I was riddled with too much worry to be able to crawl into my bed tonight, knowing my mother is sick and not knowing if she's going to be okay tomorrow. I know that the survival rate for stage 3 breast cancer is 72 percent, but no statistics can determine when her health will deplete unexpectedly.

I need to go see her. 

"I'll see you soon Leila Hart," I mumbled softly as I sauntered out of the kitchen, my heart suddenly growing heavy, knowing that we didn't leave things on a good note and I am to be fully blamed for that. I should have just told her the truth, straight up told her I don't want us to end and I'm not 100% okay with taking a break.

But I do respect her decisions and her, so there was nothing I could do about it other than be angry with myself and push her away for my own selfish reasons; knowing I could not stay in the same room with her without wanting to have her in my arms. 

I shook the thoughts out of my head and grabbed my suitcase from beside my closet. A half-hour ago I went down to the dean's office and explained my situation and obtained a temporary leave of absence. A substitute will be replacing me for now, until I get back.

And plus, it'll give me the space I need from Leila and vice versa. 

"I managed to get us plane tickets, Blake. Call me your saviour or don't, I don't care, let's just go meet your mom!" Erika exclaimed as she pushed me out of the room. I desperately wanted to tell her to shut up but I held myself back because, despite our history, I still had 1% of respect for her.

"So are you and moody bitch really dating? Because to me, it looked like she was pretty upset I was over at your place. And plus all her stuff are in your room, and she even has a bed!? But god what is with her, she had a whole man in there with her, cheating on you?! I mean if you really are with her, she's not worth it Blake, she's probably a cheap who-" 

"I'm holding back every muscle in my body, Erika, especially those in my jaw to snap at you. Don't you ever speak about Leila the way you just did because not only are you insulting her, but you're also insulting me. You're not half the woman Leila is and you have no right, nor should you have the audacity to speak ill on her name. Now before I say some things I truly mean, remain silent, yeah?" 

She batted her lashes furiously and parted her lips to reply but nothing came out other than a small squeak. Great, I silenced her. I don't usually have rage towards women, but she is making it really difficult for me to remain a gentleman. 

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