The both of them started talking so I started to watch TV. After awhile there was a sound of a motorcycle outside. I thought Jack was coming over so I went to the door and opened it.

I saw Jack, but that wasn't all. He was riding the motorcycle with Tooth. I grew angry. He drove by my house and he made eye contact with me.

I shut the door and went upstairs. "Elsa!" Anna said. I didn't reply and went to my room. I shut the door and went under the covers.

I heard Anna and Kristoff run up the stairs. They were whispering and I think Kristoff went back downstairs.

Anna knocked on my door. (To the tune of Do you want to build a snowman)

She started singing, "Elsa, please I know you're in there. Jack is asking where you've been. Just please have courage, I know you're trying to. I'm right out here for you, just let me in. We'll always have each other. It's just you and me. What do you want me to do?"

I stayed quiet. "Do you want to build a snowman?" She finished. I got off the bed and opened the door. "Best sister ever." I said and hugged her.

She giggled and we pulled away. "Let's go downstairs?" She asked. "Fine." I replied and we both went downstairs. Kristoff was watching TV. "Where's Jack?" I asked.

"I went outside and saw him with Tooth. They were just driving around the neighborhood and Jack wanted to show her his amazing girlfriend's house." Kristoff said.

I rolled my eyes. "Alright, sure." I said. I finished my waffle and the milk and put the cup away. I yawned again and put on Jack's sweater that I left in the jacket closet downstairs.

"I'm going to sit outside." I said and walked outside. I felt really weird without my makeup on, but eh. I sat on the steps of the porch and let my hair down.

I was staring at my palms, something that I started doing for some reason. I sighed as I looked up at the blue sky then looked back down at my palms. I heard a motorcycle drive by. I hesitated but looked up.

I saw Jack getting off of his motorcycle. I bit my lip before looking down. I heard him walk toward me. He sat next to me. I looked away from him.

"Elsa, I was just showing Tooth around the neighborhood. And I wanted to show her your house since I always say to her what an amazing girlfriend I have." Jack said, stroking my hair.

"Nice hoodie by the way." He said. I bit back my smile. I wanted to look at him, but he has never seen me without makeup. "Why won't you look at me?" He asked.

I sighed. "I look terrible." I said, laughing a little. "What? That's not possible." He said. He lifted up my chin to make eye contact with me. His eyes widened.

I sighed. "I told you." I mumbled. "No snowflake, you look even better." He said and caressed my cheek. I smiled a little as he called me by his nickname for me.

"And please don't be jealous of Tooth or be bothered that I don't sit with you at lunch sometimes or after school. Tooth and the others are having this issue with this guy and I said I would help them. I'm really sorry, snowflake." He said.

I nodded. "So I guess you have to leave now and help them?" I asked. He kissed my cheek. "Yes I do, Elsa. Please don't be too bothered with it. But I admit, seeing you jealous is pretty hot." He said smirking.

I rolled my eyes. "Just go already." I said smirking back. "Fine, drama queen." He said and stood up. He walked away slowly. "Bye you trouble maker."

He laughed a little. He stopped walking and turned around. I stood up and started walking back inside until I felt Jack grab my arm and pull me into his arms. He turned me around so I was facing him.

"Love you." He whispered. I ruffled his hair before saying, "Love you too. Now go run along to the people you spend more time with than me." I said and kissed his lips before walking inside.

I shut the door and looked over at Anna. "Kristoff said that he had to go, but he's using the bathroom first." She said. I nodded. I heard the toilet flush and after awhile Kristoff stepped out of the bathroom.

"Well, I have to go now ladies. I'll text you later Anna." He said and they hugged before Kristoff left. "Since we got nothing else to do, how about some shopping?" I asked.

Anna laughed before nodding. "Then let's get dressed!" I said and ran up the stairs. Anna followed me and we ran to our rooms.


I watched as she walked back inside her house. I smiled a little and went back to my motorcycle.

I knew that Elsa's birthday was coming up so I asked Mer, Hic, Punzie, Kristoff, Tooth, Bunny, and Sandy to help. I asked Kristoff to tell Anna that we're all helping with her birthday.

Her birthday was in less than a week, and I've been really nervous about it. I started driving to Kristoff's place. When I got there I parked and knocked on the door.

Kristoff opened the door. "Hey, Hiccup and the other two are here." He said and let me in. I nodded and put my helmet somewhere.

I walked in the living room to see the other three. "Hey Jack!" Punzie said happily. "Hey Punzie. Hey love birds." I said to Hiccup and Merida.

Merida eyed me and Hiccup watched as she did so. I chuckled and sat on a different couch that the three of them weren't sitting on.

"It's soooo sweet of you to do this for Elsa. Usually when it's her birthday we only go bowling or swimming. But this, she will absolutely love it." She said smiling brightly.

I smirked. I heard the door open and Tooth walked in. "Hey guys!" She said happily. "Hey, Tiffany?" Hiccup asked.

"Yeah, just call me Tooth." She replied and sat next to me. Bunny and Sandy walked in after her. The both of them just stood up.

Kristoff walked in. "So Jack, what did you have planned for Elsa's birthday?" He asked and leaned against the wall.

"Well of course Anna is helping with their relatives. I was planning on having the party where we had our first date. Or when uh Elsa and Hiccup had that date and where we went after." I said.

"Where did you guys go?" Hiccup asked. "I showed her to this park, she loved it there. It was quiet and not many people go there." I replied and rubbed my neck. Hiccup smiled a little.

"How about your date? Where did you guys go?" Kristoff asked. "We went to a carnival. She just ran around, playing all the games. She got me a teddy bear that was white, and it had a blue hoodie like mine." I said chuckling.

Punzie, Tooth, and Mer 'awwed".

"That's so sweet! You should have the party at the carnival, it'd be so cute!" Punzie said and Tooth giggled.

"So, now we need to talk about decorations." Punzie squealed.


Well, here ya go :)

Hope it was good enough :D

Was it long? I don't think it was.

I got this WHOOOOLLLEEEE plan for Elsa's birthday thing Muahahahahaha

And I honestly don't even know when her birthday is, so yeah, fail for me xD

Update will be soon!

*thumbs up to you*

K bye (^-^)


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