I looked over at Arden vaguely and I knew she was studying Harper. She was some sort of supernatural, but what? I asked myself. Why does she seem so nervous? What is she hiding?

"So, Harper." I closed my eyes and winced internally when I heard Nikki's accusing voice. She also stepped forward towards Harper and crossed her arms. "What brings you here?"

Harper shrugged and opened her mouth. "Oh, I was just um, doing some research- I thought i'd- you know...check out a few books." She gestured to the one in her hand. I couldn't see the title from here.

"Interesting, we were doing the same." Arden stated as she offered a small- and completely fake- smile. Harper pursed her lips and nodded.

"Here, let me help you." Ali stepped forward and bent down. He gathered up the books on the floor and tugged on Perri's pants-foot. Perri then made a noise at the back of his throat as he bent down and began helping him.

"Oh, you guys don't have to-" Harper shook her head as the guys picked up the books off the ground.

"It's no problem." Ali stated simply as he stood up.

"I'm Arden, by the way." Arden introduced herself. "Again, that's Zane, Nikki, Ali, and Perri." She made known. Harper shyly set her gaze on everyone again. She looked to her left and up at Ali who held her books out with a smile. Harper's cheeks colored before she slowly took the books from him. At the same time as she avoided Perri's gaze, Harper continued to blush and I took note that the torches that set on the wall...flared?

What the fuck? Each and every single one blazed and the fire grew, only briefly. It brightened the pathway more. It blazed before returning back to its original size.

I drew my eyebrows together and I felt Arden look at me from the corner of my eyes. I gave her a pointed and knowing look before I set my curious gaze back on Harper. Harper, looking at the fire fixedly and anxiously slowly turned her head back to me.

The same anxiousness, fear, and nervousness returned to her face. Now, I was extremely precautious. Who the hell was this girl?

"Well, it was nice to meet you all but..." Harper took the books form Perri and gave a tiny smile. "I should really get back to my research."

"Should you?" Arden asked carefully. Harper broke eye contact with the intense aura Arden was giving off and she nodded.

"Uh, yes. It's kind of important."

Nikki scoffed and turned to me. "And to think we thought it was Johanna up to her shit again." She teased.

"Did you say Johanna?" Harper whispered. She paused and looked at Nikki curiously. Harper's question and demeanor raised further questions and curiosities in me.

We all paused and looked at Harper. "Yes, I did." Nikki answered, giving her a weird look.

We all watched Harper as she pursed her lips and looked down, lifting the books in front of her. Harper began to turn away, in the direction she came from. Apparently the suspicious behavior was too much for her to handle, because Arden then mumbled something before she stepped away, placing a harsh hand on Harper's shoulder.

From there, all hell broke loose.



"What do you think her deal is?" Nikki asked beside me with her arms folded. My body language matched and I stood there, staring down Harper with my arms crossed.

"I don't know." I answered.

"You think she might be with Johanna?"

Harper sat in the chair in front of us, with her hands tied together in front of her. I don't know the real point of tying her down because she could possibly get out easily based on what we just witnessed and experienced.

Arden: The Gift Of DeliriumWhere stories live. Discover now