Chapter Twenty-four

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Previously on Through Think or Thin

"Keep this from your wives, fiancés and girlfriends. I don't want them involved in this." Dad added sternly.

"Yes sir."


Mina's Point of View

I groaned and reached for my head. It was pounding. Credo really knew how to hit.

"Sleeping beauty is finally up." I flew up, scurried to my feet while looking around.

I was in a cell... Well did you expect something more fancy.

My cheek felt sore and so did my temples.

I looked through the cell bars and saw the outline of a woman."How the happy have fallen," The female voice tsked.

Queen Alyana stepped out of the shadows.

"What are you talking about?" I held onto my head.

I wanted to hurl while my temples began throbbing.

"Mina, Mina, Mina, you silly little girl," She folded her arms in front of her which pushed up her chest. "You really thought your little sneaking out with the Commander was unnoticed didn't you."

My eyes widened a little.

I thought we were careful, the clothes-

"You see child, around two nights ago our dear Captain Astraba saw the commander driving into the palace with you in his vehicle," She tapped a finger against her cheek. "Then again I should say he followed the vehicle very stealthy to your home and back to the palace and saw you two remove your disguises."

Two nights ago Mark did drive me home. But that was because I couldn't really move my legs after-

"You see if the Commander is welling to be with you while his girlfriend is in America anything is possible. Which means my beautiful Farah can scope him right up," Her smile was a broad as a cat who got into milk. "It's such a pity that you won't be able to compete with my daughter," She fake pouted. "After all you did steal all those items from the palace you pathetic little girl."

Things now made sense. She must have been the one to set me up. "You did this."

"Did what child?" She played innocent. "I did nothing-" She stopped speaking for a second then something that I didn't think was possible happened. The smile on her face became wider and bigger. A smile like that was one of an insane individual. "It's such a pity you will not be at the wedding that is to be held three weeks from now Servant girl."

"What wedding?"

"The biggest wedding of all time stupid girl," I hadn't realized I had voiced my thoughts. "Commander Mark Piers was engaged to Princess Farah as of this morning in the garden. He wanted to get her jealous to get her attention, you know those silly American habits of theres and he was successful. Farah was in tears when I told her about you and the Commander. She confronted him this morning and he confessed his feelings for her."

I could feel my eyes burning and the pain in my temple intensifying.

So that's why he was kissing the Princess. They were going to be married. B-but why didn't he tell me and why did he string me along if all along he wanted the Princess. He used me. No wonder he never told me he loved me.

I had fallen for a man who loved another and I was about to be killed because-

"I would love to thank you child because if it was not for you my future son in law would have never gotten with my daughter," My knees buckled and crumpled to the ground while using my hair to hide the tears that were beginning to fall. "It seems I won or as the Americans would say 'check mate'." She laughed at her own joke.

"You're a real bitch you know that." If I was going to die regardless of anything. I wasn't going to go without a few sarcastic jabs here and there. I just hoped Ms. Fatima would take care of my family.

"Excuse you?" She stopped laughing and I raised my head looking at her with my tears running.

"You heard me you bitch," Maybe it was time I used those curse words that Mark taught me as a joke. "Alyana the whore whose at the top of the mountain. Alyana who is fucking the Captain of the day guards, Alyana the slut-" She lunges at the cells while screaming in rage.

"Shut your mouth you stupid little maid!" Her hands gripped the bars.

I laughed regardless of the fact the man that I loved used me for someone else. "That's the only thing you can call me. At least I don't go around fucking men while my husband-"

"If you don't shut up I'll have you dead by dawn!" She bellowed.

I snickered. I didn't really care at this point. Plus I knew the laws. They had to wait two weeks before they could kill me. "Just leave with the little dignity that you still have Alyana."

She glared at me as if I was trash then stopped off.

I waited a few minutes then I cried like an infant for the faith that I was about to meet.


The sound of a metal plate hitting the ground woke me. The throb in my head was gone but not the ache in my heart.

I looked at the metal plate to see fruits and meat.

This wasn't the food of a prisoner...

I looked the the cell bars and saw the King standing on the other side. His face had a gentle smile on it but I wouldn't let that fool me. I knew his true colors. "You could be living a life like this if you accept the offer that I'm about to give you Mina." I glanced at the food then back at him.

"I'll take you away from here Mina, I'll take your family too, buy you all a big house, clothes, food. That is if you agree to be mine." I wanted to laugh.

How much more twisted can this man and his woman get?

"You want me to be your little sex toy Adabe," His eyes widened when I called him by his name without a title. "You want me to get fucked like you do." His brows shot up.


"Don't play dumb Adabe," I reached for the metal plate a plopped a grape into my mouth. "I'm not interested point blank. You can take your little offer and shove it straight up your ass," I snickered. "Then again Astraba might have widened that past it's limit, so it's gonna take a lot of effort for you to keep it up there."

Hi nostril flared. "Hush your mouth and donot speak of me in that way you-"

I laughed. I couldn't help it. This man was funny. "The eyes and ears cannot be fooled in some cases Adabe." His brows became netted then his eyes widened.

"You were the one-"

"Good boy Adabe. Your not as slow as you look. Do me a favor would you," I grabbed a handful of grapes. "I'm gonna die regardless of whatever so all you royals can actually stop coming down here to either gloat and trying to get me to accept some ridiculous bullshit offer,"  His jaws clenched and he stomped off. "Bye Bye fat man!" I call out while continuing to eat.

My final decent feast before I was fed with prisoner's garbage.


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