Important Authors Note

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This book is dedicated to all the persons who requirested a book two for Twice the Reward. This book is not about Alexander and Victoria but it entails another one of the Piers men. I want you all to enjoy this book to the full extent.

Now for all the persons who will be criticising my grammar and talking about my character are spineless like one commentator in Twice the Reward I'll tell you what I wanted to tell them "Fuck off, you don't have to read my damn book," And for those of you who don't know I'm Jamaican and my people don't put up with bullshit. Keep your negative shit to yourself.

For my lovely readers however thank you so much for the support in Twice the Reward and I hope I get the same love in this book.

Also, this book is entirely based on fiction. I'm writing on Saudi Arabia but somethings are partially true. It is also to be noted that the country is behind time.

Thank you for reading this and happy reading.

Y'all know what this means!!!!!!! It's time we kick the Piers men series back into gear.


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