Chapter Four

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Previously on Through Thick or Thin

"Tis' no problem lass. Me doubt the princess can stop what is about to happen. This palace is in for a rude awakening. The fogs clearing love, the fogs clearing." I wiped away the last couple tears. Ms. Fatima spoke like this at times. She always told me she could see snippets of the future so for now I'd believe her.


Mina's Point Of View

I had finished cooking breakfast with Ms. Fatima and began taking it to the dining room. We had done a vegetable salad eggs, bacon, freshly baked bread and biscuits, freshly squeezed lemon juice, orange juice and also hot water for tea if King Drobo, Princess Farah or the Commander wanted any.

The table was set and I stood in the corner where we maids normally stood in case anyone of us were needed. It was only the two of us. Myself and Annabelle for today.

The dining room doors were later shoved open as the King, Princess Farah and The Commander came inside. "Good morning." The King greeted.

We both bowed and answered with good morning. I kept my eyes fixated on the ground. I didn't want to share eye contact with him for fear the Princess would see and then interpret it wrong. Chairs were pulled out and eventually they all took their seats from what I heard.

"You may serve." I looked up for the first and wished I hadn't. The Commander wore a black skin tight shirt that showed his muscles when he moved. His body was quite big in physic if you asked me. A dog tag, I think it was called was also around his neck. His slightly caramel skin was beautiful. Both his hands were folded on the table and I could picture them doing hard work.

The Princess was clutching on his left bicep but the King seemed unaware. I began laying out the plates while Annabelle began serving. I could feel his eyes on me. But I didn't want to look above his neck.

I swallowed and began serving. "So Commander," The King began the conversation. "Do you have any family?"

He cleared his throat then spoke. "Yes I do. It's quite large thought. My mother has eleven boys."

"Ah... Family is a beautiful thing." The King spoke as if in a trance.

"What do the other brothers do for a living?" The Princess asked this question.

We had finished serving and went back to the side of the room. I sneak a little peak to see the Princess had dislodged herself from him.

"They do a variety of things. My brothers work different jobs one is a scientist, two are doctors, one's a CEO, another is the owner of an international airport, one is the Chief of police, another is a owner of a Shuttle program plus their are other careers that a few of the others have."

"You must be rich then?"

He laughed and it was so rich a vibrant. It made my heart race. "You could say that."

I looked at the Princess and it seemed as if new light lit her eyes.

Money hungry that's the right name for it.

"Daddy will the Commander be one of my guards?"

The King scratched his beard. "No honey I don't think so. Maybe at a few occasions but other than that no."

She pouted. "Oh okay."

I risked a glance at the Commander and wish I hadn't, as predicted his eyes were solely on me. His rich green orbs felt as if they were burning out my soul. They held a flame of lust and adoration.

Oh dear lord.

I quickly averted my eyes and gripped my skirt for comfort. The breakfast was relatively silent after that. The sound of knives and fork coming in contact with the plates was all that was present throughout the rest of breakfast. They cleared there plates and the King rose first. "Mina see me in my chambers would you dear."

"Yes your highness." I curtsied.

"Commander Peirs you have free reign on the palace you may start anytime today." The king took his leave and a minute later so did the Princess and the

Anabelle and I quickly cleared the table and brought the dishes to the kitchen. Ms. Fatima and her would take over from there.

I had the King to go see, a few rooms to clean, the library to dust, vases to polish and the throne room to mop. What a day today was going to be.

I quickly told Anabelle and Ms. Fatima goodbye and headed to the kings room, it was three corridors away.

Walking them briskly I came to his doors within record time. I knocked three times then waited.

"Come." I shoved the doors and found the king's bed chambers empty. I wasn't as awestruck as I was the first time I saw it. The walls were painted in gold and white. It had a high ceiling and a bed king sized.

There was a huge vanity for the queen and a closet for both her and his majesty. The room also had a bookshelf and a huge, furry gold rug on the ground.

A painting of the king and Queen when they got married was on one of the walls and also two priceless vases with flowers finished it off.

I could here water splashing in the bathroom. "Your highness?"

"I'm in the tub Mina come." It wasn't uncommon for a maid to help bathe the king. It was also done for the Queen and the Princess. However, I had never done it.

I pushed the door open and found him in the tub. The tub had stairs, three in total. Then again it wasn't really a tub. It was basically a rectangular box with white tiling and could be filled with water without leaking. One would normally sit on the second stair and pour water on the King's back or so Anabelle told me.

I climbed the first two and sat down. "Pour the water." I took up the bucket and began pouring water on his back.

"Do you like working here Mina?"

Was this a trick question?

"Yes Sire I do."

"Good. Very good." He turned in the tub and luckily his stomach blocked everything below his waist. "Normally after three years a maid is supposed to be relieved of her duties but if it is that they are an asset they are granted an extension and they will stay. Do you understand what I'm saying Mina?

"Yes your Majesty."

"Good your work is being extended for quite some time."

I smiled. "Thank you for being so gracious my King."

"It is nothing." He looked me in the eyes then his hand reached out a grabbed my breast.

"What are you doing Sire?" I shoved his hand away.

"Sh... Don't say anything it will be over soon." I now saw the King in a new light. He was a pig. His hand soon returned to my breast.

"Sire don't," I slapped his hand away from my chest once more. "I will not allow you to do this."

"If you don't allow me to do what I please Mina. I will have you executed. I am the King and I will do as I see fit. No body will question my authority. There will be no one to look after your family either when your gone. Then again, I could just say you stole money from me and have you all killed."

For the second time today I wanted to cry. What he spoke was facts. If he said that, nobody in the kingdom would go against him. My family came first. With a single tear slipping down my cheek I stopped resisting.

"Good girl."


Happy Sunday everybody!!!!😊☺️🙃🥳

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