Chapter Twenty-three

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Previously on Through Think or Thin

Slowly they expanded and I lost consciousness.


Mark Point of View

I pulled the Princess off me and placed her on the ground. "With all respect Princess I have a girlfriend which you've already met at your mother's welcoming home ball. I would appreciate it if you didn't do that again."

I was in a phone call with Matt when she jumped me. One tap on the shoulder, one turn and the Princess had her legs wrapped around me and her tongue down my throat.

"Big brother I hope you pulled that fast tail girl off you quick enough," Matt spoke nonchalantly.

"I'll have to call you back. Call Anthony and get the flight details, I want no screw ups little brother. I'm putting my faith in you."

I could picture his little arrogant ass face smiling. "As you wish brother."

I hung up the call and looked down at the Princess. "Princess Farah-"

"Commander!" Queen Alyana's voice bellowed. Turning my head I saw her with a vexed look on her face while her feet stomped on the grass. She made her way towards her daughter and I within sixty seconds. "You have no right!"

"What exactly are you speaking about Queen Alyana?" Form one bullshit to another.

"Taint my daughter. I saw you both through the window," She pointed a finger to a window on the palace building. "By the laws of my country, my daughter is to remain pure and you tainted her," She pointed an accusing finger at me. "The moment you kissed her. She is unable to now take the throne unless-" Tears immediately filled her eyes.

Wow, she could give my mom a run for her money.

"Unless?" I asked with a brow raised.

"Unless you marry her because you're the one who tainted her." She was wiping her tears.

I looked at the Princess to see her gaze casted to the ground.

Wow, Mark you really stepped in it this time.

"Can I see this written law Queen Alyana?"


I looked at the document over and over again.  It was there. If the Princess is tainted by a man, she will be unable to take the throne unless the person who tainted her marries her.

"See Commander it is all there." I looked at Queen Alyana who had a triumphant look on her face. The Princess was outside the doors waiting.

"I want to have my lawyer look this over. As of now I can't agree and deny anything-"

"Mother!" Farah pulled the doors opened with a resounding bang. "Come quickly!"

Queen Alyana rushed out the doors which gave me time to snapped a few pictures of the document.

Walking out the doors I almost had the wind knocked from my lungs. Mina's body was thrown over Captain Astraba's shoulder like a sack of potatoes. 

"What is the meaning of this!" I snapped. All heads turned towards me.

"Mina Saleh is to be arrested and detained," The guard beside Astraba opened a sack revealing a multitude of gold and silver objects. "These were found in her possession at her house."

The Queen Alyana gasped in disbelief. "She's the one who's been stealing from us."

"I'm afraid so my Queen." Astraba's voice was filled with pity.

Why didn't these two try to act a movie? There was no way those were at Mina's house. I knew that place like the back of my hand. Which means someone framed her.

Kittens body groaned. "My God, at least hold her properly. Her blood is rushing to her brain!" I snarled.

Astraba removed her from his shoulder and held her bridal style. Cuts and bruises were scattered on her once flawless skin.

I looked at the Captains knuckles and I knew the bastard was responsible. I could feel the rage coming up from the pit of my stomach.

I clenched my first trying to stop it from coming out. "The punishment for theft is death. It is sad that we are about to lose a maid but dishonesty will not be tolerated in this palace-"

"What is going on here?" The King came in and stood to the right of everyone with a few of his advisors.

"Mina Saleh was caught in possession of some valuable items of the palace. These confirm that she is the thief that has been stealing from the palace." Credo said.

A few of the advisors began whispering. "Silence!" Everyone of them stopped talking. "Take her to the cells and all of you leave except for my wife, daughter and the commander."

Everyone began leaving except those requested to stay and I couldn't help but let my eyes linger on the body of the woman that I love. "You cannot accuse someone of something when there is a possibility that-"

The King's face expression went blank.  "Commander, I appreciate you wanting to make an input but your job here is done though you did not do it. I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to leave and report to your president that you completed your mission and I'll be in contact with him soon-"

"Honey no need to be so rash, the commander has something he wants to say before you tell him to leave." Queen Alyana's eyes went from me to the Princess and vice versa. "Isn't that right Commander?"

Clenching my teeth I could feel them wanting to snap. "Yes sir I have decided that I want to court and marry your daughter."

The Kings face expression changes to one of happiness. "Excellent news Commander. You may stay as long as you wish."


"Are you being serious?" Christopher snapped.

I was on a video call with all my brothers, Christopher who was basically a brother and my dad.

"They basically set up you up. The Queen Alyana bitch-" David slapped Matthew form finishing his statement.

"What you need right now is proof. Focus on getting that and don't worry about anything else. Leave the rest to us." Jason spoke already typing away on his phone.

"Leave the document aspect to me." Christopher added. I was already sending him the pictures that I took today through WhatsApp.

"In the mean time act as though you are clueless to everything and don't go near Mina or anything that would tie you to her. I have a feeling the queen knows something about you two hence why all of this came about." Alexander placed his few cents into the discussion.

"Same." Agreed Sebastian. The others nodded there head.

"So play along, a-avoid Mina-," I was sure they heard the stutter and the break in my voice. I gripped my hair as a means of stopping myself from actually breaking down.

Her face was bruised and scratched up really badly. They were most likely going to treat her horribly, plus Ash was most likely there by himself and-

"Son, this maybe hard but it is for the greater good. It won't be for long." My dad added. Taking a deep breath I nodded and agreed to do what was best for both Mina and I even though I didn't like it. "Also boys."

"Yes pops." They all answered.

"Keep this from your wives, fiancés and girlfriends. I don't want them involved in this." Dad added sternly.

"Yes sir."


I'm sure you all keep seeing the name Christopher poping up. To find out who he is you need to read Savage.

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