Chapter Fourteen

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Previously on Through Thick or Thin

"Time to shine Little Light."


Mina Point of View

He led me down the stairs and everyone stared. Seeing an American must be something amazing it seemed. I doubt a lot of the persons in the room travelled.

"They're all captivated by you." He whispered as we began making our way through the crowd.

"M-Me?" I asked trying my best to sound like him.

"Yes you." He smirked. "Your the Light of the party."

He kissed my cheek and we continued moving. A few of the women that we passed looked as though they would jump Mark if given the chance.

"Commander!" We both looked towards Princess Farrah who called Mark and was looking at the both of us.

Her mother and father stood behind her both looking at us as well. "Well they didn't wait did they." He chuckled which despite the situation made me laugh as well.

We began making our way towards the royal family. At a moment like this I couldn't show emotions of fear plus I promise both my Mama and Mark to have a good time. I wasn't going to let anyone make me break it.

When we got to them I could see the Princess's dress better. She had on a light yellow dress that was exposing and pushing up her breast a lot.

"Good evening your highnesses." We spoke in sync which made me want to laugh for some odd reason.

"Good evening," The King and Queen replied. Princess Farrah was starring at me with a pissed off expression.

"Who's the lovely lady on your arm Commander?" The Princess asked with her voice so sugar coated a baby could get diabetes form it.

"This beautiful woman is my date and girlfriend Agalia Bernard." The words rolled off his tongue I even believed him.

"You had a gi-"

"Commander care to dance with a old woman." Queen Alyana asked cutting her daughter off.

"Old would not be the word I'd use to describe you with Queen Alyana. experienced but not old." She laughed and held her hand for Mark to take.

He kissed my temple. "I'll be back shortly Love." He took the Queen's hand brought her to the dance floor. Everyone began making space for them.

I watched as he danced with her like any expert would. He told me his mom made him take ball room dancing and salsa when he was younger. He twirled her and lifted her in the air then placed on the floor and they continued.

"So Agalia where exactly are you from?" Asked Princess Farrah.

"Well I currently reside in the United States." Mercy, Mercy that sounded so composed.

"And you've know and been with Mark how long?"

I glanced away from the Queen and Mark and looked at the Princess. "What are trying to get at little girl?"

In all honesty the Princess was older than me by two years but who cares.

"All I'm saying is you should be careful," She smirked. "Anything can happen while he's here in Saudi Arabia. He could even get someone new."

"New like you," I wanted to scoff. It was evident the Princess wanted Mark. The thing is she wasn't the only one nor was she going to get him.

"Yes like me, I'm a Princess you know," She flicked her nails. "Royalty..." She pulled out the word.

"Ahh..." As if now enlightened with something mind blowing. I was going to burst her little air headed bubble. "The thing is Princess, men like Mark aren't easily swayed by royalty."

Okay Princess you're going down.

"I'm sure he could buy your country but you would know that wouldn't you. When you see gold it ignites your soul. Your only a money hungry little hussy."

Her mouth twitched and she stepped into my personal space. "Say that again you tramp."

She must have thought I was a weakling. The only reason I didn't fight as a maid Is simply because I needed the job along with the fact their family had power family had over the citizens of Saudi Arabia. But, tonight I wasn't a citizen. I was a visitor in a way plus she wouldn't know who I am. I'm gonna kick her ass."I said your nothing but a money hungry, spoiled brat who beds everything with a dong-" Mark's hand came out of nowhere and covered my mouth.

"Love let's dance, excuse us Princess," She glared at me and I did the same. Mark led me to the dance floor and we began rocking to the music. "I leave you for just a few minutes and you want to start a fight with Farah."

"She started it," I pouted making him laugh.

"Don't worry about it plus I have someone I want you to meet but that's after this." He twirled me out of his arms and back into them.

I wonder who he wants me to meet.

We danced for what felt like hours. The times he lifted me in the air I felt as though I was flying.

He wrapped his arms around my waist when the song ended. "Let's go, they should be there by now." He took my hand and we walked out the ball room.

To where exactly he was taking me I had no idea nor was I going to obstruct. The night had been fun so far.

We got to the corridors and I immediately knew where we were going. He was taking me to his room. I wonder who was there though.

He shoved his door open and led me inside. The room was empty, maybe not empty per say because the furniture was in the room but no one was in there.

"No one is here, are the persons you spoke of earlier late?"

Mark chuckled. "You'll understand soon." He released my hand and went over to the bed.

He reached under and pulled out a black looking bag then began rummaging through it. Soon he came up with a device that had an apple that was bitten. It was quite shiny.

He opened the device and began pressing some buttons. A few minutes later the sound of ringing filled the room, Mark moved in front of the device blocking my view.

What is he doing?

This are speaking in Italian not English So Mina doesn't understand. I was too lazy to translate it so for now just go with it.

"My baby!" A woman's voice yelled out in a foreign language.

"Hello Mama, I hope you got the pictures I sent you." Mark replied in the same language.

He once told me he was multilingual but hearing someone say they could do something and seeing them do it is two completely different things.

"Yes, Yes, she's very beautiful honey!" The woman's voice screamed. "I sent it to all your brothers and sister in laws to see plus I sent it to Christopher so you know Angelica and the other girls saw it plus-"

"Mama I only sent you the picture so you could see her. I didn't send you so you could send everyone in the family," Mark groaned.

"You can't really expect me to keep such good news to my self. My weekly shopping spree with the girls are about to get so juicy-"

"Fine Mama," Mark shook his head and rubbed his temple. "I have someone for you to meet and I don't want you to scare her or overwhelm her-"

The woman scream filled the room again, she must be excited. "Mama...." Mark groaned.

"Okay I'm sorry, I promise I won't overwhelm her. It is her right because you would never raise the hope of your dear fragile old mother like this." The woman sounded like she was pouting.

"Just behave and speak English." Mark voice sounded firm. "Little light come here please." He called.


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