Chapter Nineteen

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Previously on Through Think or Thin

I knew he was telling the truth because Mark was no lier.


Mina Point of View

Driving was not that bad. Mark showed me how to start the vehicle, make it move off, stop it.

The brake, the gas, turning and after a few minutes I had the hang of everything. I was officially driving.

"This is amazing," I laughed as I made the car go faster. My hair was flying everywhere because Mark has dropped the roof.

There was just sand upon sand everywhere and to me it was amazing. I had never been outside before. The nights air stroked my skin gently and I really enjoyed it.

"Told you," I felt his hand untie my face covering. I was going to ask him if it was safe to do this. "No one is traveling out tonight. It's only you and me," His grip on my waist tightened. "Plus I wanna look at you without something blocking my view."

I could feel my face heating up. The only thing I could do was nod. I was sure if I tried talking I would stutter.

I continued driving until I felt Mark tapping my thigh. "It's to the left." I slowed down and began turning to the left.

An oasis was definitely there. It was a beautiful, large area of vegetation. Palm trees were sprouting from the ground here and there. I couldn't really see the water though.

When we got there I stopped the car and went to pull the door but Mark stopped me. "Not so fast kitten," I turned slightly to see his face. "Where gonna swim tonight and you can't swim in that."

I looked down at my Abaya. I guess no one could swim in one but he never said anything about swimming earlier. "I don't have anything to-"

"I told Mama Jana and she gave me this," He reached behind his seat pulled out a thick mesh like t-shirt.

Where in the world did Mama get this?

"Ohh..." I took the garment and blushed. "T-thank you." Mark opened the door and slipped out from behind me.

"I'll go set up while you change," He grabbed somethings off the back seat and made his way to the oasis.  

"Okay you can do this," I stepped out the jeep and began changing out my garments and into new one. I kicked off my shoes in the process.

It fell gently onto my skin and it hid undergarments. It was to my thigh and I tugged at it a little.

After I was finished I looked towards the oasis and made my way there. It was surprising that no one had ever said anything about an oasis being out here.

Then again, no one actually talked much about beyond the castle walls. The sand felt cold and wonderful underneath my toes.

I could hear soft music being played. "Mark..." I called out. Shoving a few leaves from trees out of my way, I spotted him sitting on the blanket.

He had it spread out with the blanket with this basket on the left, a metal container with a two wine bottle and glass cups to the right.

He had some glass balls with light thrown haphazardly around the area but it was beautiful. I could see everything even better that with the moonlight only. I now saw the water as well. It was breathtaking to say the least.

His phone was sitting on top of the basket playing music. "This looks beautiful." Mark looked at me with his mouth was slightly dropped.

"Wow..." He muttered. "You beautiful kitten,"  I looked down at my clothes and shrugged. Slowly I made my way over to him and sat between his legs. He chuckled. "You're learning."

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