Chapter Seven

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Previously on Through Thick or Thin

I opened the final package and inside was  food. Six eggs, lemons, a loaf of bread, roasted beef, uncooked irish potatoes, tomatoes, cornmeal, maize and a few cabbages. There was even rice and sugar.


A sob left my mother's lips. "Bless her lord."  There was truly nothing left for us to eat and now she gave us so much food. The could serve us for weeks. I sent a silent prayer to the Lord to bless her.

Ashraf was looking at the food excitedly. "Is it all ours?"

"Yes Buba it's ours."

I sliced up the roast beef for dinner and left some for breakfast. I used one of the lemons to make lemonade and I gave us all a slice of bread. We haven't had food like this in ages.

When the house became dark we lit candles and read Ashraf a bedtime story. He fell asleep within minutes. He snuggled across both our laps and I patted his head.

"Are you going to tell me about what happened at the palace little light?"

Taking a deep sigh I mentally prepared myself to recall all that happened today. I was about to let it all pour out of my mouth like water. I told her about meeting Commander Mark Piers, about the incident with the princess, the incident with the King and the threats.

I told her about being confused about what is truly happening in the palace and we cried together. She wept with me and patted my head ever so often. When my cry turned into whimpers she began to sing the lullaby that she always sang for me as a child.

"Natsuhiboshi why are you so red?
Because I had a sad dream last night
my eyes are red from the tears I shed
swollen as I cried.

Natsuhiboshi why've you lost your way
I'm searching for a child who's gone afar
he can't be found though I searched all day my sad dreams comes once more..."

After the lullaby she begged me to quit my job but I couldn't, not yet at least. We had no money to live on plus she had medical bills. We could not survive like that. She eventually agreed that if we were to leave we would need money.

I told her about the slight pay increase and she was happy. We now has three gold coins to spare. She made me hide the money and made me promise to save money so we could leave Saudi Arabia and have a place to stay.

It was a dream but in two years I'm sure we could afford to make it a reality. "The young man reminds me of your father and how we met. I can sense he has a good soul. Also you must thank Ms. Fatima for me." She rubbed my head.

"Yes mama." That night we fell asleep on the couch. My little brother on our laps and my mom laid her head against mine. 


The next day went by with a breeze. I had arrived to the castle very early. Cleaned the Princess's room thankfully she wasn't there. I cleaned a few corridors and before I knew it, it was time to prepare for lunch.

I hadn't seen the Commander I mean Mark from I got to the palace but for some reason I knew he saw me. I pushed the kitchen door and in there stood Ms. Fatima decked out her apron as usual. 

Instantly I was running and I launched myself on her. "Lordie!" She yelled. As I hugged her for dear life telling her how thankful I was for her gifts.

"My mom also told me to tell you thank you Ms. Fatima."

"Tis' okay lass. I hope you enjoy it all." She patted my head.

"One question though why did you give me the shoes and the dress. I have no use for it." She smiled with a look of tranquillity on her face.

"It will all be revealed by the end of lunch lass." I looked at her confused but who was I to question Ms. Fatima. We made sandwiches and scones along with tea for lunch.

Anabelle poped up a few minutes later and helped me with the food. As usual the king came in first but this time his eyes found mine. He had a smirk on his face.

I hated him. Clenching my hand I continued  to look at the door. Mark came in by himself. "Commander where is the Princess?" The king asked taking a seat.

"She informed she would not be at lunch when I checked on her earlier." Without the Princess I could be a bit more relaxed.

Mark's eyes found mine. "Good morning ladies." Though he said it to this both of us. It felt as if he was only saying it to me personally.

Blushing I looked away from his gaze. "Good morning." Both Anabelle and I replied.

"She must be preparing for next week. We'll be celebrating the Queen's return next week. Although she will be returning home tomorrow. We're throwing her a welcome home party. Important persons will be there as well as some of our people. It will be a grand celebration. The day maids are free to come as the night maids will be the ones serving." Everything made sense now. The clothes, the shoes and Ms. Fatima's words. "It's going to be festive night so you can have fun Commander. However, I still want you to be on your guard."

"No problem Sir." We moved from the wall and began serving. Anabelle did the plating while I served. While pouring the tea my fingers brushed against Mark's fingers.

Electric tingles filled my entire body and before I knew it I spilt some hot water on him. "Shit!" He cursed. Shoving back the chair and standing up.

The King's eyes were wide with horror. Mark grabbed the napkin and pressed it against his crotch and stomach.

"I'm so sorry." He waved it off as if it was nothing but I knew it was painful.

"It is fine. Please excuse me." With a word of confirmation from the King he left the room within seconds. I watched as he escaped through the doors.

As soon as the door closed water was thrown in my face. "You stupid bitch!" The King's voice boomed in the room. "You better go after him and fix this or I'll have your head!"

"Yes my King." I dropped the tea pot in the table and began wiping my hands. Seconds later I felt a metal spoon impact my shoulder.

"Now go now!" With that I ran as fast as I could out of the room, the dull ache of the spoon still lingering.

I hastily made my way down the corridors and to Mark's room. I would be cleaning in a few weeks and I was already notified this morning of its location.

With a pounding heart I stood outside of his room door. Maybe I should leave? But if I do then the King will kill me. Swallowing my fears I knocked on the twice and waited.

Seconds later the door was open and a shirtless Mark stood in front of me. My eyes wondered over his stone hard abs which looked slightly red making me instantly remembered why I came to the door in the first place.

Meeting his green eyes I saw him smirking but not really in a cocky way. "I-I came to see if you needed a-any help or if y-your alright."  He moved out of the door way and gave me way so I could get inside the room. I felt as if I was facing a predator.

"Your seemed terrified little light." He walked over to a table which had a device with a large screen and buttons. Books were scattered on it as well with writing utensils. He moved a few things away and took up a tube.

"N-no I'm fine. Is there anything I can help you with?"

He chuckled slightly. And made his way to the bed. "You could apply this to the scorched area." My eyes widened as he laid down on the bed. The room was suddenly filled with silence as I contemplated what I should do yet I was moving towards the bed. Mark was dangerous maybe both good and bad but-

"Don't worry Mina. I don't bite," I sighed. "Much."

Oh lord


The lullaby in this chapter is from naruto I always cry when I listen to it. Yes I love anime and I don't care who hates it fudge off also guys, I love reading comments it helps me to know how my book is doing. So comment and vote 😊.

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