Chapter 24

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Michelle stared into the eyes of Benito. There were bars separating the two from each other, but they were alone.

"Why did you do it?"

Benito looked surprised that she could talk after she had been staring at him for so long.

"I didn't do it."

"Then why did you turn yourself in?"

"Michelle you know exactly who killed him."

"It was Hank?"

"I don't know. You tell me."


"Michelle, I dropped the case. Benito turned himself in. Why are you asking if I killed your father?"

Michelle sat across from Hank with tears in her eyes. She could not handle being so close to him.

"Benito said..."

"I know it has been hard for you after losing your father, but you need to separate your imagination from the truth."

Michelle covered her ears. She was tired of hearing lies and more lies. She didn't know what the truth was anymore. She started to scream, letting out the frustration that had been building in her head.

Detective Bradley came in and led her away. Only the touch of his hand had been able to calm her down lately. He soothingly led her down a white hallway. He opened a door and put her inside. The room had one single bed and a toilet. Detective Bradley closed the door behind him and locked it. He would never forget the look she gave him before he walked away. She stared at him with pure disappointment. To her he was the only one who she believed was good in her life. He walked back down the hallway and cringed as he heard her pound on the door, screaming.


"You did the right thing. That girl is insane."

"Hank, I just feel bad sometimes you know. She always seemed so normal around me, and then when I catch her talking to other people, she sounds like a madwoman. I came in while she was talking to Benito and she was just mumbling to herself, and then of course I had to run in and get her to calm down when she was talking to you."

"That must have been a real messed up dream she had."

"Yeah, I think the shock of her dad dying just made her go crazy. I think he was the only thing keeping her together honestly."

"Sounds like you should be her counselor."

"Maybe, but I think she thinks I betrayed her by putting her in the asylum for the time being."

"Excuse me gentleman but it seems we have some news about the murder case."

"Yes go on."

"It seems that Benito wasn't the only one involved in the murder case. There is a microphone in Michelle's asylum room and it seems she has some interesting things to say."

"Sir, that woman is insane. She thinks that I, Detective Hank, killed her father."

"Well, she hasn't mentioned the name Hank once. In fact, she has only been saying her name as the culprit. She has been rocking back and forth on her bed for the past couple of hours repeating how she killed him."

Hank and Bradley were shocked.

"Wait, you mean to say that Michelle, his daughter, killed him?"

"Listen to the tapes yourself."

He pressed play on the recorder and her voice came through clear as the last time they spoke to her.

"It was me. I killed him. He was trying to keep me and Benito apart so I killed him. Benito has helped me all along. We waited until he took out the trash and then we pounced on him, the both of us. Benito stabbed him and I watched as the shock registered in my father's eyes. Benito went into hiding and I went back to my father's house. I had them all fooled. Now I need to see Benito again. I need to. I had Bradley wrapped around my finger and now he has left me. Benito is the only one who has always helped me. Even in my dreams he is my hero. Benito! Benito my love! Where are you?"

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read this book! I know it is probably shorter than other books, but it is my first one and I am proud to have finally finished it. Yes this was the last chapter. I wanted it to be confusing and crazy because that is how Michelle is. She killed her own father and I wanted to show how messed up her mind was with the crazy dream and after she woke up. So if you are a little confused, it is ok. You are supposed to be. Just know that in the end it was Michelle and Benito who actually did it and know that all of the past stuff was her crazy mind trying to grasp the fact that she killed someone. If you have any questions, please reach out and ask. Comment, like, and please suggest for others to read. Thank you again for reading. I hope to start a new book soon, so be on the look out!

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