Chapter 1

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5:36 p.m.

"A phone call was made after a man was found dead in the alley beside the bakery where he worked. The witness claimed he was heading over to the bakery to get some donuts like usual on Tuesday afternoon. When he went inside - the owner, Tom Buckolt - was no where to be found. He claimed after calling his name a couple of times and getting no response, he just left. After passing the alley, he did a double take, he went back to the alley and found Tom laying on his back. He had a stab wound through the stomach and blood had pooled around him. In a panic, the witness called 911.That brings us to the current state of the investigation."

"Bradley, you can do your dictation later. We need you to take a look at the body." One of his coworkers said impatiently.

After pulling on a pair of latex gloves, Detective Bradley walked over to the body.

He held his breath as he approached.

The body looked like every other stab inflicted victim. The puddle of blood had been cleaned up as best as possible by the first set of detectives. Bradley's job was to search the body for any possible clues.

He always started with the pockets. The front two pockets yielded the typical findings. A couple one dollar bills and some stray pennies. In the back pocket he found a wallet fully intact. All the money was still there, along with all of his ID's. Strange. Normally the victim would have been picked clean of money and credit cards.

After checking the pockets, he pat down the body for anything unusual.

The shoes and socks were clean of anything. The pockets of the pants had already been searched. Now all he had left to check was the shirt.

After discovering that the shirt had a pocket, he delved in.

He pulled out a small sheet of paper with a phone number.

Bradley put the sheet of paper in a plastic bag to be used for later. He went to check the pocket one more time when something caught his eye.

Something about the victim's neck looked off. Near the collarbone, there was a jagged line of layered skin and a tiny almost invisible tattoo along the back of the neck along the hairline.

"Hey Hank, can you get me a flashlight?"

After Bradley was given a flashlight, he shined it over the tattoo.

It read "615 Buckolt"

Sorry for the short intro but I promise this story gets better. It is mystery in the beginning but is going to turn more into a stalker/thriller as the story goes on. Please give it a chance! Also wanted to let you guys know that the chapters get longer as time goes on.

Comment and let me know what you think!


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